Fiji Sun

Religious Tithings

- Tukai Lagonilake­ba, Nadi

Due to the current situation where gathering in our churches is almost restrictiv­e with very minimal attendance, there is now a new trend being seen.Church officials and their respective talatalas are now asking members to deposit their tithes directly into their church account or have it delivered to their Reverends who will pray over it and bless it at the same time. In some villages here in the Western Division, the church steward is calling all members to worship in their individual homes, but have their soli prepared as he will be visiting individual houses to collect them on behalf of their talatalas.

I believe these churches are very insensitiv­e and inconsider­ate, specifical­ly in this very difficult and trying times where their members’ priority is to protect their individual families, pay the bills and put food on the table.

Where have all the millions worth of church tithings gone to? It should be the other way around where all religious denominati­ons should be going out to their members with hamper packs and visit them to check if they are in good stead. I suspect these church minister’s have all gone broke and are finding it difficult in this current situation from their over reliance on their members tithings.

I would like to suggest that they should now, like everyone else, go out and plant on their land and go fetch seafood from the sea.

I bet you they will find them loosing a few kilograms from being obese, they will sleep well and become fitter. Now that is walking the talk and setting standards. No insults meant as it is the fact, e tukuna nai Vola Tabu vakatautau­vata vei keda kece, “Meda dui kana kece mai ena dui buno ni vei yadreda”.

It is plain and included all reverends and church leaders.

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