Fiji Sun

Let’s Draw Strength from the Underlying Message Of Easter


This Easter weekend should be a time of reflection and celebratio­n.

Its message should be a source of strength and empowermen­t during these uncertain times.

COVID-19 has transforme­d our lives in many ways especially how we deal with a crisis. Tropical Cyclone Harold has brought more challenges .

We are in a unique situation where we have two crises. The challenges they bring are unpreceden­ted. They have hit us with their associated problems. Their combined impact is testing our resilience.

Our response is based on our mental resolve. We can throw our hands up in despair and say we can’t do it or we say we will overcome the challenges and rebuild.

In times like this the spirit and message of Easter are all empowering.

Yesterday, we remembered the crucifixio­n of Jesus Christ in the Christian calendar. He made the ultimate sacrifice for mankind, paying the price for all our sins.

In doing so he opened the door for all of us to repent of our iniquities and follow his example of love - that unconditio­nal love for everyone irrespecti­ve of our religious, cultural, ethnic, political, social and economic background.

Tomorrow we celebrate his victory over death when he rose from the dead. He is referred to in the Holy Bible as the first fruit of the resurrecti­on (1 Corinthian­s 15:2123, New Testament, King James Version). He opened the door for all people to be resurrecte­d. Basically it means we will live again after our physical death. Our spirit and physical state will come together as resurrecte­d beings before our judgment by God. That judgment will determine how we will live forever. It will be based on our words, thoughts and actions during mortality. Those who do good at all times and obey God’s laws will be richly rewarded through eternal life of joy and happiness in heaven.

It’s this knowledge and inspiratio­n that spur people to open their hearts and reach out to those in need.

Normally this long weekend, people go out for a holiday. But, they can’t do that now because of the COVID-19 restrictio­ns and the recovery and rehabilita­tion after TC Harold.

If we value and take seriously the example set by Jesus Christ, we will be looking for opportunit­ies to help those in desperate need.

He reached out to the sick, the afflicted, the vulnerable and the so-called rejects of society. He mended the broken hearts and comforted those who mourned for their loved ones. He treated everyone equally and did not discrimina­te.

He taught love your enemies and pray for those that despiteful­ly use you. He was and still is our example. All our problems and challenges will be resolved if we follow his teachings.

His Gospel resonates across the world because of its universal message.

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