Fiji Sun

Slow but sure best way to address crisis

- NEMANI DELAIBATIK­I Feedback: nemani.delaibatik­

Today we celebrate the second day we are COVID-19 free. We join only 12 other nations who have achieved this status. This is a remarkable achievemen­t reached through a measured approach to dealing with COVID-19. There was no panic or rash decision.

It was slow but sure.

With patience and endurance and the decisive leadership of Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a and Minister for Health and Medical Services Dr Ifereimi Waqainabet­e we collective­ly pulled together and achieved the outcome we wanted.

We also need to recognise and express our heartfelt gratitude to our health workers on the frontline and those who maintained security at the border and kept an eye during the curfew and lockdowns including the Police.

The next phase of our COVID-19 alert is just as important and critical as the one we have just passed because if we are not careful there could be a second and third wave.

It has happened in other countries like China and could also happen here.

We do not want that to happen here.

We have seen the economic and social cost of the first wave of COVID-19.

It is unpreceden­ted and it has transforme­d our lives to a new normal.

We cannot afford a second wave.

We therefore should not be complacent. The new normal requires us to continue the new habits we formed because of COVID-19. They include the hand washing regime, social distancing and taking all the other precaution­s forced on us by the deadly virus.

The new App to help in contact tracing puts us on the same par as other countries with this latest technology.

The continuati­on of the 10pm to 5am curfew makes sense because it is linked to the drop in crime rate. Complaints from nightclubs and other night operations should be looked at in their proper perspectiv­e. Either way there are social and economic costs that must be considered.

The bottom line is to ask the question whether these night operations are essential.

So far Government has been vindicated with the measures and initiative­s It has taken. There is no good reason it should change course.

 ??  ?? Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a.
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a.

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