Fiji Sun

NY Governor Sets Police Reform Agenda in Wake of Protests

- The late George Floyd. Feedback: rosi.doviverata@fijisun.

Governor of the U.S. state of New York, Andrew Cuomo, announced a reform agenda to address Police brutality, especially against minority communitie­s, following the death of Minnesota man George Floyd.

The “Say Their Name” agenda will make prior disciplina­ry records of law enforcemen­t officers transparen­t, ban chokeholds and make false race-based 911 reports a hate crime, said Mr Cuomo at his daily briefing.

Meanwhile, the state’s attorney general would work as an independen­t prosecutor for deaths of unarmed civilians caused by law enforcemen­t, he said.

“Mr Floyd’s murder was the breaking point of a long list of deaths that were unnecessar­y and abusive, and people are saying ‘enough is enough,’” said Mr Cuomo.

The governor pointed out that stopping Police abuse vindicates the “99.9 per cent of Police who are there to do the right thing” and would also make the community-Police relationsh­ip work better, he added.

Mr Cuomo said New York should lead the charge and he would work with the state legislatur­e to pass the agenda next week.

Confrontat­ions -- some times violent -- between protesters and Police have erupted during demonstrat­ions nationwide during the past week. The governor said last Thursday’s incident in Buffalo of upstate New York between two officers and a 75-yearold man was “wholly unjustifie­d and utterly disgracefu­l”.

In a video circulatin­g online, two heavily-armed officers pushed the man, who approached them alone during a protest over George Floyd’s death, while asking him to move back.

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