Fiji Sun

Family gains from Insurance scheme


Aman who died four months after paying his insurance premiums has left his family with a lump sum of money. A grieving family yesterday received an insurance payout for their son Mosese Seruidegei.

Mr Seruidegei, a 25-year-old apprentice for Energy Fiji Limited in Lautoka at the time died after he was electrocut­ed.

He had opted for a money back plan with Life Insurance Corporatio­n of India on July 17, 2019.

His mother Venaisi Tinai Coriakula, said she had no idea that her son had signed up for an insurance policy with LICI.

“This reminded me of that time when he called asking for our details and date of birth, I asked him what it for was and all he said that it was something that he was working on.

“We never thought there would come a day that we will be receiving this money,” she said.

Tomasi Cama Coriakula said his son had planned to extend the house.

The late Mr Seruidegei had abegun renovating the driveway and footpath to the house.

He also planned to extend the kitchen.

Mrs Coriakula said the family would continue with the house renovation­s to commemorat­e her son’s passing.

“When he was still alive, he had told me that he wanted to build a two bedroom house and extend my kitchen and he told me “don’t worry mom, I’ll do it” but I never thought he would be gone so soon,” she said.

Mr Seruidegei was the youngest in the family.

The family received the insurance payout inclusive of the full sum assured and an additional sum assured for the accident death benefit.

General manager Fiji operations YS Ashok said the Mr Seruidegei was only four months into paying his insurance premiums before he died.

“The premium was deducted from the employer which was under salary savings scheme,” he said.

 ?? Photo: Laiseana Nasiga ?? From left: Life Insurance Coproratio­n of India manager underwritn­g Guatam Kumar, Venaisi Tinai Coriakula, manager for finance, investment and human resources Sanjeev Garg, general manager Fiji operations YS Ashok and Tomasi Coriakula druing the cheque handover on Thursday 11, 2020.
Photo: Laiseana Nasiga From left: Life Insurance Coproratio­n of India manager underwritn­g Guatam Kumar, Venaisi Tinai Coriakula, manager for finance, investment and human resources Sanjeev Garg, general manager Fiji operations YS Ashok and Tomasi Coriakula druing the cheque handover on Thursday 11, 2020.

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