Fiji Sun


Krishalni Mudaliar, Lautoka

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The recent death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput has taken the world by storm. Reports about his death is all over social media.

Every time you scroll down or refresh your newsfeed, there you go, Sushant Singh Rajput has committed suicide because of depression. Every time, there is a new theory behind his sudden death.

Every time, there is someone new to blame; the directors who didn’t cast him and took away the role from him or other “privileged” actors taking away the roles and awards that he truly deserved.

In this blame game, who is going to blame the audience for not realising his worth as an actor and as a down to earth person? Who is going to blame the audience for not choosing to watch his movies over the other “privileged” actor’s movies. Every one is blaming someone who holds more authority and hating them, but who will hate us? Suddenly now everyone is realising what depression actually looks like; an evergreen, full of joy face. Suddenly everyone wants to post about being there for each other, being a listener and a helping hand for those who are suffering from depression.

Everyone is saying to call them at anytime you want; they’d actually answer now. Now everyone is calling and messaging their long lost friends. Everyone is checking up on each other and wanting to know more about their lives.

The actor’s death has truly left everyone in deep thought. His death has made everyone realise that depression does exist and it makes one more vulnerable to making a wrong decision.

I urge you all to talk to someone if you ever feel low or feel unwanted.

Always remember that you are wanted and people would rather listen to you all day talk about your problems than see you making a wrong decision.

A kind request to all, please lend a listening ear to all your friends and family and if you see a change in behaviour, confront them and talk to them because everybody needs somebody to talk to.

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