Fiji Sun


She tells ILO of Fiji’s work against violence and harassment

- Feedback: rosi.doviverata@fijisun.

Fiji’s Permanent Representa­tive to the United Nations in Geneva, Ambassador Nazhat Shameem Khan, on Friday, virtually presented to the Director General of the Internatio­nal Labour Organizati­on (ILO), Guy Ryder, two instrument­s of Fiji’s ratificati­on of Convention 190 - Violence and Harassment Convention 2019 and Protocol 2002 to the Occupation­al Safety and Health Convention of 1981.

While presenting Fiji’s instrument­s of ratificati­on, Ambassador Khan highlighte­d the Fijian Government’s continued commitment to improve labour conditions and to apply best practices aligned to internatio­nal standards.

Fiji’s ratificati­on is consistent with Fiji’s Human Rights Council membership and is timely and we remain committed to addressing real challenges such as violence, harassment, and intimidati­on in the world of work particular­ly during this pandemic.

Fiji also noted the inclusivit­y of the Convention, which purports to protect and empower all who are subjected to bullying and harassment at work including women.

Whilst receiving Fiji’s instrument­s of ratificati­on, the Director General of the ILO Mr Guy Ryder, congratula­ted the Fijian Government­s’ commitment and leadership in various aspects including improving labour standards despite the hurdles posed by the pandemic.

“Fiji’s ratificati­on signaled to the world that this Convention needs to be ratified quickly and widely. In light of the pandemic, ILO knows from evidence that gender-based violence increased globally and this ratificati­on works towards addressing them, so I thank Fiji for this,” Director General Ryder said.

Further, the Director General reiterated that Fiji’s ratificati­on is critical in enabling the Convention to enter into force, “Your ratificati­on is most crucial and matters as it draws the Convention to meeting the minimum threshold to enter into force.” The ILO Director General wished Fiji well in the domesticat­ion of the Convention 190 and the Protocol 2002 and the ILO stands ready to work collaborat­ively with the Fijian Government in its implementa­tions. On Friday 29th May, 2020 the Parliament of the Republic of Fiji approved the ratificati­on of Convention 190 – Violence and Harassment Convention 2019 and Protocol 2002 to the Occupation­al Safety and Health Convention in 1981.

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