Fiji Sun

Fijian in Africa Helps Our Children Here

She is there as part of UN to help support peacekeepe­rs, and also helps families here send their children to school

- MERELEKI NAI Vakatokoi Adinauluma­tua. Edited by Jonathan Bryce Feedback:

Athousand miles away in Africa, a mother of five, Vakatokoi Adinauluma­tua, has been extending her hands to assist needy children here. Ms Adinauluma­tua works for the United Nations as an air operations assistant based in Bamako, Mali, in West Africa. She is under the mission support division supporting peacekeepe­rs.

She was a former air traffic controller assistant at the Strategic Air Service Limited with the Civil Aviation Authority in Fiji. Originally from Mualevu, Vanuabalav­u in Lau, the 43-year-old widow was a member of Barter for Better Fiji on Social Media and her Facebook name is Koi Vuibureta. She has organised her children, who are all in Fiji, to conduct a stationery-donation-drive and a lunch-drive for local children, whose families need assistance. She said her children had a backto-school donation at their home in Suva and bartered delicious meals for school stationery.

“My children have helped a few children get back to school with shoes, bags and stationery. This week they will be preparing lunch packs for those children they can reach out to whose families are facing difficulti­es during this crisis,” she said.

“One does not need to spend millions of dollars, but a few dollars can also work to bring a smile on

One does not need to spend millions of dollars, but a few dollars can also work to bring a smile on many kid’s faces.

Vakatokoi Adinauluma­tua Air operations assistant for the United Nations in Bamako, Mali

many kid’s faces.

“I am on the other side of the world, mobilising my family to reach out to those that are in need. We may not be able to help everyone so those that are within our reach, go for it.”

She based her giving on the Biblical scripture from Deuteronom­y 15:10 which says “Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart because the Lord will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.”

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