Fiji Sun

Chiefs and Politics

- Feedback:

Tukai Lagonilake­ba, Nadi

Politics is dirty. The Late Tui Nayau Ratu Sir Kamisese Tuimacilai Mara was subjected to the same by politician­s whom we all know were shaping the democracy of our country post-independen­ce.

Politics does not discrimina­te and it does not belong to the faint-hearted.

Ratu Penaia Ganilau also was subjected to the same and so did the current Tui Cakau Ratu Naiqama Lalabalvu.

My tauvu (a form of traditiona­l iTaukei relationsh­ip with another) Na Marama Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa, have also had their fair share of being ridiculed in Parliament and they all deserve it because that is the forum for it so go prepared, Adi or Ratu you are all equal inside there. Ro Teimumu had said before the 2018 General Election that she would not stand.

She stood again only to be subjected to the same treatment not only from the Government side but more so from the power struggle within her own SODELPA house and now she is reportedly said that she is now throwing in the towel to retire from politics. I now read of Ratu Epenisa Cakobau who was voted in as SODELPA president and he is already on record saying he has no plans for election. Is this a joke?

He is already in it now. Vanua politics and power play is still very much a part of the SODELPA outfit.

These chiefs should take their cue from what our Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a who had said back in 2009 when he moved for the abolishmen­t of the Great Council Chiefs, “go and seat under the mango tree in their own Village” or in other words “Qarava na nomu Vanua kei ira na nomu Tamata me na rawa niko na dokai kina”

2022 is only a few yards away where we will wait and see which chief is again bold enough to take the stand again.

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