Fiji Sun

Fiji’s ONLY Blue Oceans Dive Centre, Volivoli


Volivoli Beach Resort and Ra Divers Fiji have just been awarded and accredited Fiji’s only blue oceans dive resort. Blue Oceans is a global environmen­tal awareness project focused heavily on the ocean and waterways.

However, it also addresses many land and human related environmen­tal impacts.

The team at Volivoli Beach Resort and Ra Divers Fiji are not only known as Fiji’s Premier Dive Resort they are actively committed proactivel­y supporting a range of protocols and procedures around:

Environmen­tal Awareness

■Commit to personally the environmen­t

■Preve■t others damage through and motivation

■Support useful projects and organisati­ons dedicated to marine protection

■If possible, collect garbage on your dives – but only if doing so does not cause more damage to the environmen­t

■If possible, cut hanging ropes and collect floating nets and plastics

■I■form your buddy or the crew on the surface if you were not able to remove the net

■Never eat shark fins, whale meat, turtle eggs, etc.

■Report immediatel­y of the ban on the use animals as souvenirs

Avoid Garbage


from causing positive action violations of marine

■Never throw inorganic waste into the sea – Plastics decompose incredibly slowly

■Mi■imise the production of garbage: Use reusable coffee mugs and lunch boxes, glass or metal bottles and shopping bags

■Do not bring unnecessar­y packaging to the resort

■Dispose of your waste in as ecofriendl­y a manner as possible

■If you smoke, dispose of cigarette butts in the proper receptacle, not on the ground or in the water

Dealing with the Underwater World

■O■●y can do thing

■Do■’t swim or snorkel too close to the reef

■Do■’t touch or break corals

■Use labeled entrances/exits the water

■Do■’t disturb the sand, since it reduces visibility and smothers use a swim-through if you so without touching anyfor


■Do■’t hunt or bother animals

■Do■’t touch animals unless properly trained

■Do■’t feed animals

■Do■’t take souvenirs from the sea - broken coral pieces or empty snail shells still serve as useful habitat

■O■●y place a reef hook where it will not damage or disturb the reef

■Do not disturb animals or habitat to improve your photo opportunit­y

Responsibl­e use of Resources

·Shower only as long as required

to get clean, especially in areas with minimal ability to store/purify water. Wash your equipment in the provided container, and only when necessary – often it’s enough to clean equipment thoroughly at the end of the dive trip

·Turn off the lights when aren’t using them

·Use alternativ­e transporta­tion or walk instead of driving

·Avoid unnecessar­y waste - food plans and shopping lists help save you money, and prevent purchasing unnecessar­y food that may go to waste

The team at


Beach you


sort and Ra Divers Fiji are strong believers in ‘TOGETHER WE CAN PROTECT OUR OCEANS.’

They are committed to heavily investing time, energy and passion in not only cleaning and removing debris from both the ocean and land but educating and diligently working hand-in-hand with the local community, schools and with our global partners.

Check out their website at www. or reach out to the team through email on or call + 679 992 0942

 ??  ?? An aerial view of Volivoli Beach Resort in Rakiraki. The resort been proudly accredited Blue Oceans Dive Centre.
An aerial view of Volivoli Beach Resort in Rakiraki. The resort been proudly accredited Blue Oceans Dive Centre.

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