Fiji Sun

A Letter That Serves as a Reminder Not Only to SODELPA But Other Parties Also

- Nemani Delaibatik­i nemani.delaibatik­

She is a profession­al, lives in a Nadi village but wants to participat­e in SODELPA’s political process.

During her spare time she is engaged in women advocacy with the Soqosoqo Vakarama and has committed her life to community and religious service.

She also wants to take it to another level - through politics. In her profession­al journey she has been following SODELPA and is excited by the changes in SODELPA and has been following developmen­ts.

In an emotional and candid letter to new president Bau Chief Ratu Epenisa Cakobau, she said they welcomed the move to follow good governance by the holding of the annual general meetings of the constituen­cy councils .

She has made a special plea that those who speak in these meetings should be careful of what they say .

She was in a meeting where some Members of Parliament and others spoke in a condescend­ing manner.

She complained of their arrogant tone and disrespect of the local party members as if they knew nothing.

She claimed that some of those who spoke were outsiders meaning they were not locals.

She said she and others who attended this particular meeting were offended.

She also complained of some previous officials who they hardly saw during their tenure and saw them for the first time. SODELPA had existed in name only without any visibility on the ground.

She hoped that these issues would be addressed to strengthen unity in the party.

She has raised issues that could also apply to other parties with their membership.

Parties who have lost touch with their members tend to behave in a similar manner.

The issue is common in many SODELPA constituen­cies and it is understood that Ratu Epenisa has taken the letter seriously and would ensure that the problem is rectified.

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