Fiji Sun

Canadian Photograph­er finally made contact with Venina Moce


Venina Qiolevu Moce was overwhelme­d with text and Facebook messages on September 14, 2020.

She wondered what the fuss was all about.

An award-winning Canadian photograph­er, Paul Lawrence had reached out to the Fiji Sun about helping him find a little girl he photograph­ed in 1984 during a short visit.

He often wondered who she was and how she was doing?

A story and photograph was published on September 14, 2020. On the same day, Mrs Moce confirmed, she was indeed the little girl holding the tyre.

Mr Lawrence and Mrs Moce have since made contact.

Here are parts of their email introducti­ons after the story of Mr Lawrence’s search went viral.

Paul Lawrence

“It is such a pleasure to meet you...finally.

“I was photograph­ing some little boys and girls playing soccer, not far from you, on the crest of a hill.

“And then I looked over my shoulder, and saw you all by yourself playing with the tyre. I wasn’t sure if I should approach you to take your photograph, or not. You looked so lonely, and sad. Or possibly, afraid of me. But I had a zoom lens, so I was able to stay about 10 feet away from you. I dropped my camera to below my face, so that you could see me, and I offered a smile to help you not feel so alone. You didn’t turn and run away, or start to cry, so I fired off a number of frames. I remember getting the package of developed slides back from KODAK, and opening them. I was quickly going through the images, taking my first look at the hundreds of images. Your image came up, and I immediatel­y stopped so that I could have a more thorough look at your image. And then, there were several more of you to look at. I can remember thinking that day, and many thousands of times since then - I hope she was okay? I wonder how she is today? And now I know!”

Venina Qiolevu Moce

“Whenever I looked at the photos again, I began to shed tears. The photos were actually reminding me of my life’s journey, and how God was and will always be faithful to me...

“The photos were taken in Gosai Place, Martintar, Nadi and I was about 3-years old. I was born in Suva, but we moved down to the Coral Coast and ended up living in Nadi, because Dad worked in hotels. From the various places we lived before, I can only remember as far as the very place where these photos were taken. From Martintar, we then moved to Kennedy Avenue and later to Votualevu (Vote City) where I lived most of my childhood days.

“In fact, I could not remember seeing Mr Lawrence taking my photos, but I can clearly remem

ber my bicycle tyre and my two little ponytails.

“We used to live close to a farm, and I saw horses, cattle, chickens and ducks every day. I also remember chasing the chickens and ducks around our house, collecting eggs from all hatching spots and pushing my little bicycle tyre to almost everywhere in the hood. Today, I still have scars on my hands from pushing the little bicycle tyre.

“Sometimes, when we go through difficult times, we tend to think that God has forgotten all about us and we often look down on us with hopelessne­ss and self-pity. Mr Lawrence’s pictures have reminded me, even after 30+ years of my life, God is not finished with me yet.

“We may have delays, setbacks, unanswered prayers, frustratio­ns, confusions and disappoint­ments, but what the Lord had begun in us, he will surely complete it.”

Mrs Moce hails from Nakorovou, Dreketi, Rewa with maternal links to Mualevu, Vanua Balavu, Lau.

She is 39-years-old and married to Maika Moce of Nukuloa, Gau. She is a civil servant and grateful for God’s many blessings in her life.

Mrs Moce and Mr Lawrence plan to meet up once borders open. Edited by Selita Bolanavanu­a

 ?? Venina Qiolevu Moce’s picture in 1984. Photo: Paul Lawrence ??
Venina Qiolevu Moce’s picture in 1984. Photo: Paul Lawrence
 ??  ?? Venina Qiolevu Moce.
Venina Qiolevu Moce.

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