Fiji Sun

George Shiu Raj Tells of Favourite Suncoast Spots


What is a life full of care if we do not have the time to stand and stare? Accountant, businessma­n, farmer and politician George Shiu Raj quotes William Shakespear­e when asked about his thoughts on tourism. He is a well-known businessma­n, canefarmer and owns eight commercial properties in Rakiraki. He also owns the only nightclub in Rakiraki known as Rashians Club.The man of many hats said when he has the time to travel, he loves to give first opportunit­y to the resorts around Rakiraki.

Personal favourite holiday spot:

“Its hard to choose a holiday spot as they all share the Bligh Waters.

Volivoli Beach Resort, Wananavu Beach Resort, Golden Point Resort, The Beehive, Dreamview Villas and Duadua Resort would be on top of my list.”

What’s one place you’d take every visitor to in Fiji?

“Duadua Resort is where I take most of my guests out to. They have the most delicious food.

“It looks straight out towards the Bligh Waters and is tucked away in the bay making it seem remote and exotic.”

What’s your secret backyard favourite spot?

“This would be the easiest one.

My village, Namuaimada in Ra.

“We have the most beautiful white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters.

“White sand is very unusual to find in Rakiraki and only a few spots have the

luxury of it.

“This is also home to the tastiest fresh fish you’ll find.

“We have the same salmon cod here in Fiji as in New Zealand and by far, Fiji has the most delicious taste.”

What is your favourite place in Fiji for coffee/pie?

“I love my Chinese dishes. There is a place in Nadi called Bo Hi, a Chinese restaurant.

“They serve the best Chinese food here.Also, an all-time favourite in Suva is Joji’s fast food.

I believe they stand out because you watch as they cook your meal and it always comes out tasting the same.

“I can say I have had 100s of serves from them and they all taste as good as the first. Very reliable and consistent.”

What’s one Fiji spot on top of your bucket list?

“If I ever have the chance, I’d love to visit Kadavu.

Mainly because they are my tauvus

but also, I hear lush.”

He urged Fijians to take full advantage of the discounted rates in our local resorts.

“This is keeping food on people’s tables as well as yours.

“We locals may never get this opportunit­y again to visit these top star, luxurious spots.

“Do it while we can.”

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 ??  ?? Businessma­n, farmer and politician George Shiu Raj
Businessma­n, farmer and politician George Shiu Raj
 ??  ?? Pool area at Volivoli Beach Resort
Pool area at Volivoli Beach Resort
 ?? DuaDua Beach Resort in Rakiraki ??
DuaDua Beach Resort in Rakiraki

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