Fiji Sun

No SODELPA members declared interest in joining my proposed political party: Rabuka

- INOKE RABONU Edited by Jonathan Bryce

No serving member of the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) has openly shown interest in joining his proposed political party, says former SODELPA leader Sitiveni Rabuka.

However, Mr Rabuka said there was nothing that could stop him from speaking to his former party members.

“I have very clearly indicated that no one and nothing can stop me from talking to Members of Parliament or parliament­arians representi­ng my interests, which does not mean that I am embracing them into the party fold,” he said.

“I am using them as an ordinary citizen talking to them as my representa­tives to Parliament. “Current members of SODELPA have only sympathise­d with me, but no one has declared their interest in joining my proposed political party.”

He said he has been in touch with SODELPA Members of Parliament and they remain old friends and colleagues.

“They are limited in what they could do for me and for the political group that I want to form until they can make it clear to the party they represent if they are staying, remaining loyal and continue to pursue the objections of the party or if they would want to come away and make a bold stand like what I have done,” he said.

Proposed party struggles with finances

Mr Rabuka said the challenges of COVID-19 had made it difficult for them to raise funds for their registrati­on fees and other affairs.

“We have to be cautious about soliciting funds for those that wish to help to make sure we do not contravene the act as amended,” he said.

“We have been doing it pretty much on our own and we have looked at a few premises in town and have been overtaken by those who had the ability to pay the bond and the first month’s rent. “We have not organised any fundraisin­g activities, we have not organised any big meetings or rallies.

“We have to check if we are within the law to do this.”

 ?? Photo: Inoke Rabonu ?? Sitiveni Rabuka holds up the resignatio­n letter he tended to SODELPA at his Namadi Heights home.
Photo: Inoke Rabonu Sitiveni Rabuka holds up the resignatio­n letter he tended to SODELPA at his Namadi Heights home.

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