Fiji Sun

Head Prefects Aim for Good Future to Help Support their Parents

- RENU RADHIKA Edited by Jonathan Bryce Feedback:

Nadogo Central College head boy Viliame Waqasiwa says the prefects’ badge is a reward for his hard work.

He said it had been a difficult journey to the head boy position.

“During holidays or after school I will go out to catch prawns or do fishing so I can sell it and get money to buy basic items for my family,” Viliame said.

“I have sacrificed a lot and working hard to get a better job so I can support my parents.

“Last year I was the senior prefect and never expected that I would end up leading the student council team this year.”

Viliame was the highest scorer in last year’s external exam. He scored 365/400. He wants to pursue a career in Civil Engineerin­g.

“I was always focused in academics so that I could at least pass my exams and see happiness on my parents’ face,” the head boy said. He said his parents had always motivated him to do better in school and be faithful.

“This is just like a reward to my hard work,” he said.

Meanwhile, head girl Shaista Devi wants to be a role model for the other students.

She said: “My brother is a student nurse and I want to be Lab Technician.

“We come from a rural area where our parents can’t afford to give us a standard life, so we are working hard to give our parents a happy life in future.”

The 18-year-old said God had blessed her and she had become successful because of the effort she puts in. She thanked her school teachers, friends and parents for supporting her.

“My parents are always together with me during tough times and this is for them,” she said.

 ??  ?? Newly inducted head boy Viliame Waqasiwa and head girl Shaista Devi of Nadogo Central College.
Newly inducted head boy Viliame Waqasiwa and head girl Shaista Devi of Nadogo Central College.

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