Fiji Sun

RE: 2014 General Election

- Suva

I refer to the report of Fonua Talei (FS 26/3/2021) headed 2014 Elections, First Genuine General Election in History PM.

The report referred to the 2014 Multinatio­nal Observer Report and claimed that the observers judged that the “implementa­tion of Fiji’s electoral system was free, fair and credible”. That is not what the report said. The MOR Report judged the 2014 elections as “transparen­t and credible overall and broadly represents the will of the Fijian voters”. It was the same with the MOG Report on the 2018 Elections. Both did not judge the last two elections as “free and fair”.

These however, are not the standards required under Section 23(2) of the Constituti­on: “Every citizens has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any elective institutio­n or office establishe­d under this Constituti­on”.

The citizens have the right to free and fair elections. The Electoral office has failed in the last two Elections to deliver on these rights. Credibilit­y, transparen­cy and broad representa­tives do not amount to free and fair elections as a right of the voters. These are measures of administra­tion applicable to any sampling project.

The reasons for this failure had been pointed out in a number of Opposition Parties submission­s to the Elections Office and the Standing Committee on Justice, Law and Human Rights. These are in the punitive and discrimina­tory provisions of the Electoral Act and the Political Parties Registrati­on Act. The chairman of the Elections Office and Supervisor of Elections propose to introduce further amendment in their latest Amendment Bills that now include an amendment to strike out Section 30 so that the political parties will not be able to appeal against Elections results to the High Court. Electoral Commission decision on Elections results will be final and binding.

The Opposition Parties have been alleging, since 2014, that the Electoral Office is heavily influenced by the Minister responsibl­e for Elections, who is also General Secretary of the Fiji First Party.

I disagree with the Prime Minister’s view that the Fijian Constituti­on “enshrines true, democracy” and his claim that we have a democracy better than the ones we had under the 1997 and earlier Constituti­ons. the opinions of many have little, to no substance. It sure feels like April Fools Day every day.

This lack of ability to think rationally is a real worry, that leads us to question the mindset of many.

Our A-G is fine. What the opinionate­d need to be doing is to assess their mental health instead. Unbelievab­le!

Most of the time I view a Parliament debate, it’s very sad to see a number of male MPs with their hands in their pocket while talking. It doesn’t look appropriat­e because not only are they being watched by viewers here but abroad too. Please, act profession­ally.

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