Fiji Sun

Let the creativity flow through graphic design Did You Know

- Opinion by: Rachna Lal Feedback:

Since 1st January 2019, the Accident Compensati­on Commission, Fiji (ACCF) has received a total of 26 notificati­ons of accidents caused by pupils assaulting each other on school premises, or during a school event or activity.

Most pupils have been seriously injured in schools because of other pupils pushing them.

There are also cases where pupils have hit each other because someone may have passed a negative comment or taken one’s belonging without seeking permission.

ACCF is urging teachers, parents and guardians to encourage pupils to always follow the rules and treat each other with respect at all times.

Let’s admit it – every child is special in their own way and have their own skills.

Some may be very bright in school studies and can easily aspire to become a doctor or lawyer.

Others may be bright in other areas which aren’t necessaril­y taught has part of normal classes.

For those who are artistic, graphic designing perhaps could be an option to be considered.

Graphic designers are normally people with excellent visual imaginatio­n which they can translate onto paper into creative visual content.

Graphic designers use typography and pictures to meet users’ needs and focus on the logic of displaying elements into interactiv­e designs.

It is indeed a skill not many possess and those who are able to realise this, can have a very successful career, not just locally, but abroad as well.

There is a great demand for graphic designers in almost every organisati­on as these are the people who design advertisem­ents and marketing materials.

So, if you aren’t very good with mathematic­s and cannot grasp physics, don’t be dishearten­ed.

You may have a very imaginativ­e mind and might be a future graphic designer in making.

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