Fiji Sun

Kolinio Sucutolu Settles with Graphic Designing


Kolinio Gordon Navosa Sucutolu has come a long way in his career to finally settle after finding his niche as a graphic designer. The 29-year-old originally from Namoli, Macuata, was farming in the village for more than five years before he worked at a constructi­on company in the North.

After working for a year as a carpenter, he decided to explore his artistic side and got himself enrolled at the Fiji National University (FNU) to study Certificat­e IV in Graphic Design. Whilst he undertook the course, Mr Sucutolu took one step further into learning by watching tutorial videos on YouTube to become more well-versed with graphic designing.

“Even though I was learning the basics of graphics at FNU, I had a lot of interest in designing,” he said.

“Every spare time I get on my laptop, I learn profession­al graphics on YouTube.

“YouTube helped me a lot because when I started working, I had less knowledge in Photoshop. Now both Photoshop and InDesign I can design an ad within minutes.”

Current role

In 2020, while waiting for replies from companies for work as a graphic designer, he returned to Labasa and worked as a cane cutter for four months before returning to Suva.

“One Sunday, I read the Fiji Sun newspaper and I saw the advertisem­ent for a Graphic designer position. I thought to myself why not give it a try,” he said.

“I sent my applicatio­n on Monday. The very same week on Wednesday I was interviewe­d, and I started on Friday as a Graphic designer for Fiji Sun.

“I was fortunate to be offered a job at the Fiji Sun proud to be joining a newspaper company which dreamt of working in.

“I just want to thank Fiji Sun for giving me the opportunit­y to learn and broaden my knowledge in graphics.”

Currently, Mr Sucutolu is a graphic designer with the Fiji Sun advertisin­g department, he designs ads for the daily newspaper.

He has one unit left to complete at FNU and plans to further his studies in Graphic designing. and I’m I never

 ?? Fiji Sun graphic designer, Kolinio Sucutolu. Photo: Lusiana Tuimaisala ??
Fiji Sun graphic designer, Kolinio Sucutolu. Photo: Lusiana Tuimaisala

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