Fiji Sun

New Attacks on SODELPA Leadership Part of Co-ordinated Move to Weaken Party Before 2022 Elections

- Nemani Delaibatik­i Edited by Naisa Koroi Feedback: nemani.delaibatik­i@fijisun. TOMORROW: The chiefly factor – stabiliser or destroyer?

The assault on SODELPA leadership is part of a co-ordinated attack to weaken the party before next year’s General Election.

It will help pave the way for Sitiveni Rabuka’s proposed new political party to go in and knock SODELPA off its perch as the largest Opposition party.

And it hopes, come 2022, it will have enough support to form the next government. That’s the plan anyway. But it’s an ambitious goal that already is showing up red flags. His allies in SODELPA, members of the conservati­ve right wing, are losing the battle for power and control.

The humiliatio­n was a bit too much for Opposition leader Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu that he resigned as one of the three vice-presidents of the party.

He is following the same path that his predecesso­r Mr Rabuka took. Mr Rabuka could not accept his loss to Viliame Gavoka for the party leader contest, so he quit Parliament and SODELPA.

Ratu Naiqama has not gone the full way. He could if he wants to. That would mean giving up his basic $120,000 salary per annum plus chauffeur-driven vehicle, free phone calls and internet, business class air and sea travel and accommodat­ion and utility subsidy.

It’s not a bad package and it is likely he would hang on until Parliament is prorogued a few months before the election.

So, Ms Tabuya’s public outbursts followed by Ratu Naiqama’s resignatio­n are part of a strategy, building up to the shift to Mr Rabuka’s camp.

This is a prelude to the big jump, assuming that the signature hunt is going well and close to completion. Mr Rabuka has revealed that they have collected more than 4000 signatures in the Central Division. Only 2000 of that would be needed. The balance of 3000 must come from the Western, Northern and Eastern Divisions. It is understood that’s where the Rabuka team is facing logistical challenges because of the travel and cost. Still, the team is hopeful to reach the 5000 signatures for the proposed party to get registered by the end of the month.

Response to Tabuya

In the meantime, the war of words between the moderates aligned SODELPA leadership and the conservati­ve right wing, rages on.

In response to Mr Tabuya’s call for party president Ratu Epenisa Cakobau and party leader Viliame Gavoka to step down, Ratu Epenisa said: “The continued attacks by Honourable Lynda Tabuya calling on the Social Democratic Liberal Party Leader and myself to resign is a direct attack on democracy and is an insult to the voters who had consistent­ly voted for SODELPA since 2014.

“Her utterances are an example of someone who cannot be taught nor listen. She has now displayed that her brand of politics is to create division and doubt and sadly, this is a legacy she will carry with her wherever she goes.

“As President of SODELPA, I make and am accountabl­e for my decisions. Suggestion­s that Party members control or direct me is unfortunat­e and libellous. Her comments are distastefu­l and is an insult to Party members who have worked very hard to help retain SODELPA. In fact, perhaps Honourable Tabuya is alluding to how she herself has tried to influence my decisionma­king in the past but has failed.

“For me, when I entered SODELPA reluctantl­y in 2020 during the period of suspension, I did so because I wanted to help a burning ship. I am comforted that we have managed to bring SODELPA through that period which threatened to shut down a Party that the people of this nation see as an alternativ­e government.

“There is a lot of work being done now on the ground which I lead, visiting our people to assure them that SODELPA, with its values, will work very hard to present a genuine democratic Government for Fiji.

“As for Honourable Tabuya alluding that I am a political novice, I urge her to accept that I do not go brandishin­g my abilities. One thing I know is that 30 years of my life spent living on my island home in Bau has taught me many lessons on humility and service. My relations with the vanua and my kinsmen have blessed me with knowledge and the value of loyalty. Something I doubt she would understand. “On the resignatio­n of the Vice President of the Party the Honourable Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu, I am comforted that whilst he has resigned from this position, he remains a SODELPA Member of Parliament. I assure him and our followers that the party will continue to work very hard to assure our voters from the Vanua and those who are also a part of our larger Fijian family from all works of life, that we will continue to visit you all to assure you that SODELPA remains true to the principles of service for others above self.

“In doing so, we will champion the principles of good governance and accountabi­lity so that we can then truly become a government that will be accountabl­e to all of our people.

“I am new in politics indeed as Honourable Tabuya has stated. It therefore comforts me that I do not have political baggage of history of any sort, and my intentions is to assist Fiji and SODELPA during these trying times as we battle COVID-19 together and its effects.

“I again assure that I do not have intentions to contest the 2022 election, but I will continue to champion the ideals of democratic governance so that our people who are struggling with life and our children who are looking to us for their future are given strength to take decisions that are informed.

“Those decisions will help all of us steer Fiji to a bright, sustainabl­e, and peaceful country in years to come. God bless you all and may God continue to bless Fiji.”

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 ?? SODELPA MP and Opposition Whip Lynda Tabuya. Photo: Ronald Kumar ??
SODELPA MP and Opposition Whip Lynda Tabuya. Photo: Ronald Kumar

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