Fiji Sun

Initiative will help tobacco farmers


AN initiative that will encourage more than 600 farmers to adopt best practices in agronomy which will in turn improve the yield and quality of their tobacco crops was launched by Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a.

The Star Farmer Incentive Program which was launched in Nadi by Prime Minister Bainimaram­a this week is the latest initiative by the British American Tobacco Fiji to encourage growing excellence amongst farmers.

“I am told that through the program, more than 600 farmers will be encouraged to adopt best practices in agronomy, which will in turn improve the yield and quality of their tobacco crops. That will mean even better returns.” “The good news for Fiji and our agricultur­al sector is that the lessons taught here will go far beyond tobacco cultivatio­n.

PM Bainimaram­a stated that the techniques used to upskill tobacco farmers through the program can also be applied to the other crops grown outside of the normal tobaccogro­wing season, and they will certainly eventually be adopted by other farmers in Fiji. “I encourage all to take advantage of this added opportunit­y to become a Star Farmer not only for the coming growing season, but for all future growing seasons as well.”

PM Bainimaram­a highlighte­d that the agricultur­al sector has great potential, and the Fijian Government is committed to helping Fijians realise the vast opportunit­ies that exist within it.

“Farming is a business, as you all know. You invest. You borrow. You take risks. You stay on top of the latest that agricultur­al science has to offer about soils, plant varieties, irrigation and the other things that make a difference between great success and just getting by.

“You can be rewarded with a good harvest or wiped out in hours by a flood. So yes, farming is a business. But it is also a way of life, a culture. And we simply cannot thrive at a nation without committed, capable farmers.

He also acknowledg­ed private sector entities like BAT Fiji for recognisin­g this potential and are working with you to maximise the opportunit­ies available to farmers.

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