Fiji Sun

It is time for Government to legislate for the greater good and save lives

- NEMANI DELAIBATIK­I Feedback: nemani.delaibatik­

The man who was admitted to the Lautoka Hospital Intensive Care Unit on Wednesday and later died was only swabbed and tested positive when his condition began deteriorat­ing.

By that time it was too late. He had apparently twice refused to be swabbed earlier. The medical authoritie­s had to respect his freedom of choice.

Two hard working doctors infected and Lautoka Hospital in lock down now appear to be a consequenc­e of his refusals.

The time has come when we should ask the critical question: Human rights or life or death? We know there are some who will oppose this view. Some who will politicise it.

But we are virtually in a state of emergency because of the community spread of COVID-19. We must raise our alert level by making it compulsory that all Fijians should be tested, screened, swabbed and vaccinated when required. Wearing of masks and use of careFIJI app should also be mandated.

From the case of the Lautoka refusal, the Lautoka Hospital has been under lockdown.

The Government has the right to impose more restrictio­ns if they are necessary to save lives.

Saving lives and stopping the spread of the killer virus should be number one Government priority. Nothing else is more important than this right now. As Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services, Dr James Fong, has stressed this case has shown, the virus can attack anyone, and with devastatin­g consequenc­es.

Dr Fong has appealed to the public to show concern and sympathy for all people who become infected. All Fijians should come forward and be tested if they feel they have been exposed to the virus.

The ball is now in Government’s court to move decisively. The political critics will continue to politicise this crisis.

But at the end of the day any Government will be responsibl­e for how we come out of this crisis. So if it means coming up with new measures and rules to address current challenges so be it. Lives are at stake.

 ??  ?? Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services Dr James Fong.
Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services Dr James Fong.

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