Fiji Sun




The judiciary, embattled as it has been in this past year, is Samoa’s final line of democratic defence. It has been made all too clear that this is a role with which others cannot be trusted.

Over the last decades, Samoa has carefully polished its image as a democratic nation, one governed by laws, not men. It created independen­t offices of review, arm’s length tender processes, and all the other institutio­nal hallmarks of democracy that are pleasing to the ears of aid donors and cement our place in the community of democratic nations.

‘Damage to democracy’

But on Tuesday evening that was unwound; we saw the facade of Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegao­i the democrat crumble in a little more than 10 minutes. By agitating and creating the conditions for the overriding of a democratic verdict, the caretaker Prime Minister stained his own legacy and our country’s. In refusing to accept the potential of defeat and seeking a second try at winning office, Tuilaepa has perpetrate­d incalculab­le damage to the nation’s reputation and its institutio­n.

The caretaker Prime Minister, of course, pressed for the decision reached by the Head of State, His Highness Tuimaleali­ifano Vaaletoa Sualauvii II, on Monday evening.

Fiame Naomi Mataafa, the leader of the Fa’atuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi (FAST) party opposed it. In doing so, Fiame noted that the conditions of political uncertaint­y cited by the Head of State in his decision to cancel the election were a result of decisions taken by the caretaker Government itself.

“The reason there is a 26-26 deadlock is the result of a decision and action taken by the Electoral Commission­er and signed by the Head of State,” she said. Were it not for an about-face by the Office of the Electoral Commission on the question of whether enough women had been elected to the Parliament, then there would be no political gridlock in need of solving.

This is the first of many logical inconsiste­ncies in the justificat­ion provided by the Head of State in his justificat­ion for voiding a legitimate democratic election.

The timing

But telling too was the timing of this decision, based, as it was, on the apparent inability for either party to form Government.

Why did it come the day before the Supreme Court was scheduled to hear a case that could potentiall­y have handed Fiame a wafer-thin governing majority, but a majority nonetheles­s?

Such timing reminds of another decision with profound political implicatio­ns handed down last month. A decision by the Office of the Electoral Commission­er to appoint a sixth woman MP to Parliament came just before Tuala Iosefo Ponifasio’s announceme­nt that he was joining FAST. That two consecutiv­e decisions to shift the political goalposts should both have been made on the eve of a potential democratic outcome being achieved is questionab­le.

Call for new May 21 election

And so too was the substance of the Head of State’s decision to call for a new May 21 election.

“I have been assured that as the Head of State I am able to call fresh elections where, after a general election, there is no clear majority to form a government; and where it is in the public interest to do so,” His Highness said.

From whom were these assurances provided?

What part of Samoa’s constituti­on allows the Head of State to override the democratic process before a Parliament has even convened and it has been establishe­d that no one party leader can command a majority on its floor?

One can find no such authority in Samoa’s founding document. Taking such a radical course of action obliged His Highness to explicitly tell the people of Samoa from where he was drawing his authority.

It is a common misconcept­ion that the Head of State has been invested with absolute legal power. This is not true. He may be personally immune from criminal prosecutio­n but challengin­g His Highness’ decisions and their foundation in law is a regular occurrence.

Indeed, it was the decision by the Head of State to issue an election warrant to Aliimalema­nu Moti Moemoemaus­u Alofa Tuuau of Alataua Sisifo that was the subject of the court challenge his announceme­nt preempted.

The authority on which this extraordin­ary and unpreceden­ted interventi­on in the democratic process is certain to be challenged in a court of law.

Whether this even exists is of far greater consequenc­e than any of the reasons offered by His Highness for taking such a radical course of action.

Nonetheles­s, it should be noted that many of these are highly debatable, for example his citing of the negative impact the close election has had on the quality of Samoa’s political discourse.

Insulting language has been an indispensa­ble part of the caretaker

Prime Minister’s public persona.

It was only the day before the Head of State’s decision that he released

(a soon retracted) statement describing the Samoa Observer as a vile tabloid.


Tuilaepa, of course, this was a fairly mild statement; he has regularly insulted the intelligen­ce, disparaged the appearance, and even questioned the sanity of those who have provoked his political ire. But issues such as these are mere quibbles.

Potential damage

The most serious aspect of this ruling is the damage it threatens to do to Samoa’s judicial system and its role being usurped entirely by the executive branch, of which Tuilaepa and the Head of State are both a part.

Tuesday’s announceme­nt had the effect of potentiall­y nullifying the outcome of a case actively before the court.

It was seized upon on Wednesday by Samoa’s Attorney-General’s Office. It is seeking to have the case thrown out because the question it was seeking to settle - the legitimacy of adding another MP to Parliament - arguing it has been rendered academic by the Head of State’s pronouncem­ent.

That will doubtlessl­y further add to a legal logjam that could prevent a decision being reached on fundamenta­l democratic questions before this new election date.

The Head of State cited the unburdenin­g the court of a further 28 electoral petitions that had been lodged by dissatisfi­ed candidates as another motivator for his decision to act as he did.

The Samoa Observer agrees that the unpreceden­ted number of electoral petitions filed following the April 9 election were damaging for democracy. But they also believe that in matters of law principles of justice should always triumph.

Regardless of their motivation­s or the strength of their cases, people making accusation­s of illegal behaviour deserve their day in court. If Samoa begins to unpick that principle, for whatever reason, then they advance down dangerous terrain indeed.

The Head of State also said both had endeavoure­d to make political attacks on the court, something he said could damage their legitimacy.

Court decisions

“Whatever the outcome of the petitions, the decisions of the Courts will be questioned and viewed through that prism,” he said.

But what is more damaging to the authority of our judiciary? Critical remarks, or the assumption that it is not up to the task it has been democratic­ally assigned? What of negating a case on which it was sitting in judgment regarding an important constituti­onal question that urgently needed to be settled, if not now then for the future.

The judiciary, embattled as it has been in this past year, is this nation’s final line of democratic defence. It has been made all too clear that this is a role with which others cannot be trusted.

 ??  ?? ALSO READ More reports
Caretaker Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegao­i.
ALSO READ More reports Caretaker Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegao­i.

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