Fiji Sun

Australia Stands Strong with Its Fijian Vuvale

- John Feakes Mr Feakes is the Australian High Commission­er to Fiji.

With the arrival of 70,000 vaccines this week, Australia has now delivered a quarter of a million Australian manufactur­ed vaccines in just seven weeks to our vuvale in Fiji. This is an important milestone and one I hope will reassure all Fijians.

The delivery of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines is Australia’s highest priority for our region. Prime Minister Morrison has committed one million vaccines from Australia’s domestic stock for Fiji; a commitment we are well on track to deliver on.

Vaccines remain critical to protecting our health and securing a brighter future for our region. I want to personally thank the Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services and the men and women who make up the frontline for their tireless efforts to vaccinate Fijians.

My team at the High Commission and I have also done our part and been vaccinated with the same vaccines being administer­ed to Fijians.

As Prime Minister Bainimaram­a has said, between Australia’s commitment of a million vaccines and New Zealand’s commitment of 500,000 vaccines, Fiji will have enough doses to fully vaccinate its entire eligible population. This demonstrat­es the strength of our regional relationsh­ips, and our determinat­ion to support our family in their moment of need.

To support Fiji’s efforts to provide quality healthcare for ill Fijians and in response to a request from the Fiji Government, Australia announced on Friday that we will be deploying an Australian Medical Assistance Team (AUSMAT).

The team includes highly experience­d medical practition­ers and support personnel from Australia and New Zealand who will work alongside the hardworkin­g Fijian medical staff in Suva to bolster the Fijian medical system and combat the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Australian Government stands ready to scale up this support if required.

In addition to the vaccines and AUSMAT deployment, Australia has been working closely with the Fiji Government to support the COVID-19 response. This includes a broad range of support including over FJD152.5 million in direct budget support, COVID-19 testing equipment and qualified lab technician­s, 1.3 tonnes of Personal Protective Equipment and medical supplies, and much more.

Our region shares deep connection­s. While COVID-19 has meant we cannot be together physically, the pandemic has only brought us closer together. The bonds of family will only be strengthen­ed by this pandemic.

From your Australian vuvale, stay safe and God bless Fiji.

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