Fiji Sun

Arishma Ram

Continues to strive in Fisheries Sector


Learning about different species and growing a career in Fisheries was always a passion for Arishma Ram.

The 27-year-old who is employed with the Ministry of Fisheries under Offshore Division, has an enthusiast­ic venture about her career in Fisheries while pursuing her role in this sector for 20 months.

“I started off as a field officer and now I am a fisheries assistant,” she said.

Ms Ram said her role was to implement the scientific and compliance data analysis, per the Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) project, via the harmonised Pacific Islands Regional Fisheries Agency (FFA), Pacific Community (SPC) and Pacific Islands Fisheries Observers (PIRFO) standards including reporting of infringeme­nts or violations.

“I also worked as a Data Collection officer with the Ministry of Fisheries under Inshore Fisheries in Western division, where we used to collect data of species of fish caught and sold in the markets,” she said.

She said she loved her work so much that it motivated her to overcome daily challenges at work.

“Challenges are part of every work field. Common would be meeting deadlines and time management,” Ms Ram said.


Ms Ram completed her my Bachelor of Science in Fisheries at Fiji National University (FNU), Koronivia Campus in four years.

She started off with her degree in 2015 and graduated in May 2019.

“I did my internship with the Ministry of Fisheries under the Research Division for six months. After completion of internship, I continued as a volunteer for eight months at the Research Division and I applied for advertised positions,” she said.

She also advised people who looked forward to pursuing their career under Fisheries to set their personal and academic standards high and to live up to them.

Ms Ram plans to do Postgradua­te in Climate Change in future.

“I want to continue striving and learn more as I go along,” she said.

 ??  ?? Arishma with her parents Rachel and Kris Ram during her graduation ceremony in 2019.
Arishma with her parents Rachel and Kris Ram during her graduation ceremony in 2019.

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