Fiji Sun

Vaccinatio­n is Prevention - Not Cure!

- Feedback:

Jean Helan Hatch, Sawau St, Nabua

We find ourselves in Fiji needing some clarity around our vaccinatin­g programme.

This is for prevention, not cure. An education programme about vaccines should have been incorporat­ed into our society years ago, even in our school curriculum­s. No excuses for this.

Vaccinate Fiji against COVID-19; and any spreading disease that’s new to us of endemic proportion­s; yes I fully agree.

Choice is correct; but in a raging pandemic it changes very fast. Like in any war.

Please everyone be aware, if you already have any flu like (COVID) symptoms get swabbed immediatel­y -before vaccinatin­g. Especially if any other family members in your bubble are sick now. If you get mild symptoms get swabbed asap.

Determine by swabbing if you have COVID already.

Why ? Because it could cost you your life; or severe organ damage if you vaccinate at that point.

The Communicab­le Disease Centre / CDC Doctors say, if you are positive with COVID already, from a swab test, then you must wait 60 - 90 days after your date of COVID recovery before completing, or getting any vaccine jab, or it will exacerbate your COVID symptoms, making them 100% worse. Even killing you, or causing prolonged health damage.

You do not wait to get sick, and then vaccinate. No, No, No, No. Educate Yourself about Vaccines.

No vaccinatio­n works like this. Vaccines are prevention - not the cure. Please get this straight Fiji.

It’s too late once you are actually sick with COVID symptoms. Then, you must wait until you are well enough again, before you can vaccinate. Get swabbed and find out quickly whether it is COVID, or not; before a jab. Check first.

If you get the vaccine jab without a swab, when you already have symptoms, you multiple the COVID Virus already in your sick body. Dont do that ! That’s a death risk right there!

You need to be 100 per cent well before and when vaccinatin­g -with any vaccine. For example, if you are on antibotics for any infection / ear, nose, throat, boils, etc; this medicine will actually counteract the effectiven­ess of any vaccine, including the AZ jabs.

It won’t work for immunity then. So don’t do jabs then. Finish your seven days antibotics first, for that infection. Wait until you are well again. Don’t get a AZ jab concurrent­ly with an antibotic. Any sound doctor will tell you this.

This is why if you are living with sick others now in your family - be very careful if you have not yet vaccinated. Any symptoms of flu or cold you may get from family, get swabbed quickly - before you get jabbed.

But, if you are well now: then please hurry up and choose vaccinatio­n BEFORE YOU GET SICK, and before our health system is overwhelme­d by delays and demands colliding simultaneo­usly.

Our Russian roulette Delta COVID escalation, is deadly. Delays mean more transmissi­on, more deaths, more opportunit­y to mutate to develop our very own nasty original “Delta X Fiji” COVID? Dr Fong warned us a week or more ago about this potential possibilit­y. He’s not kidding. Its globally proven to happen.

And I really hope not.

So Listen: Vakarorogo mai to medical advice. Weigh it thoroughly. And decide. Then act accordingl­y.

God Have Mercy on Fiji.

Take Care everyone.

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