Fiji Sun

People who are Questionin­g PM’s Decisive Leadership, Whereabout­s Must have had their Blinkers on

- Nemani Delaibatik­i and Fonua Talei Feedback: NEMANI.DELAIBATIK­I@fiJISUN.COM.FJ

Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a has not gone AWOL (Absent Without Leave) as some people claim.

They question his decisive leadership and whereabout­s.

But they must have had their blinkers on. If they didn’t then, it would not have been difficult to notice that Mr Bainimaram­a has been busy leading from the front and visible too.

We know there may be many people out there at their wits end. As they struggle to make ends meet and survive this COVID-19 pandemic it’s contagious to blame others for their predicamen­t.

Usually, the Government becomes the favourite target because it’s easy to do so as it is the guardian of public funds and welfare.

But to attack Mr Bainimaram­a for inaction is baseless and simply untrue as the facts show. He is not locked up in his office or at home.

If his critics had their eyes open they would have seen him at the frontlines visiting the brave officers manning their posts and risking their lives for the rest of the country - not once but several times.

He too risked infection by visiting them to cheer them up and lift their morale. But he was masked and now he is fully vaccinated with two jabs.

Again he and wife Mary are leading by example as they urge the country to get vaccinated and follow all protocols and precaution­s.

He has gone on radio, television and used the print media to rally the country to stand together in solidarity and fight this war against the killer virus.

He preached the message of hope, resilience and compassion amid the negativity of his critics and prophets of doom.

He addressed the iTaukei listeners in the radio programme Lalakai because resistance against vaccinatio­n and other measures is primarily coming from that community.

As an iTaukei himself he feels it’s his responsibi­lity to deal with this conflict because it’s slowing down the momentum of the campaign to vaccinate the target group and contain the spread of the virus.

It’s complicate­d by sensitivit­y around religious and cultural beliefs and practices. Non-iTaukei may not be aware of efforts that he puts in to correct misconcept­ions and guide people away from their defiant position on falsehoods.

Mr Bainimaram­a has shown decisive leadership by the host of measures announced to contain the community spread of the virus. His latest was the legislatio­n to compel workers to get vaccinated or lose their jobs.

He opted for no full lockdown but a targeted and controlled regime of measures to keep people safe but allow movement for essential purposes. The idea is that if we can manage it then we can live with COVID-19 like Singapore has done and other countries such as the United Kingdom are planning to implement.

The bottom line here is that the success of any programme depends on people’s individual integrity to comply with the rules and protocols.

People need to realise that Mr Bainimaram­a must ensure in addition to COVID-19, that the normal functions of Government must be maintained.

If you are not aware Mr Bainimaram­a has also been engaged in top level meetings with internatio­nal organisati­ons and foreign government­s on climate change, trade, defence and security and other global issues. Some of the meetings are included here;

Pacific-UK High Level Climate Dialogue

Mr Bainimaram­a as the chair of the Pacific Small Island Developing States joined Pacific Leaders and the UK virtually to discuss the priorities ahead of COP26 to be held in Glasgow in November, 2021.

He joined leaders in calling for a collective and urgent action to confront climate change and highlighte­d that the global average temperatur­e is now at 1.2 degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial levels and we are already seeing devastatin­g impacts across the world.

Pacific Island Forum Leaders and Japan at the PALM 9 Meeting

The Pacific Island Forum Leaders and Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihide Suga convened the 9th Pacific Islands Leaders’ Meeting with a renewed commitment to sustainabl­e recovery and resilience through regional solidarity.

Partnering for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030 (P4G) Summit

Fiji joined its internatio­nal and regional developmen­t partners at the 2nd P4G Summit, ‘Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030,’ hosted by the Government of the Republic of Korea in May.

Mr Bainimaram­a joined global leaders, internatio­nal organisati­ons, businesses, and civil societies worldwide with a collective resolve to, “Build Back Better and Greener.”

Fiji also affirmed its commitment to enhance engagement opportunit­ies for shared goals on climate change and SDGs.

Commonweal­th Pacific Leaders Regional Roundtable

The meeting, which was convened by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was attended by Mr Bainimaram­a virtually.

He reaffirmed Fiji’s stance to continue to chart the way forward in its commitment to stronger nationally-determined contributi­ons under the Paris Agreement and committed to planting 30 million trees and sustainabl­y manage our vast ocean space by 2030.

People’s Republic of China

The People’s Republic of China has pledged greater support to Fiji in building back better with accelerate­d response to contain COVID-19, sustainabl­e and resilient economic recovery advancemen­t and tackling climate change.

This message was conveyed by Chinese President Xi Jinping last month while on a phone call with Mr Bainimaram­a.

New Zealand

Mr Bainimaram­a conveyed his appreciati­on to New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern for their timely support.

In a telephone conversati­on on May 14th, he thanked Ms Ardern and the people of New Zealand for standing in solidarity with Fiji.

The New Zealand Government offered Fiji a grant contributi­on of NZ$40m (approximat­ely FJ$60m) in budget support in response to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

New Zealand is also contributi­ng a vaccine support package of 500,000 doses of AstraZenec­a vaccine and grant funding of NZ$2 million support for vaccine delivery.


Australia’s commendabl­e efforts through swift assistance to Fiji is a testament of the unbreakabl­e bond of friendship and exemplary collaborat­ion achieved through the Vuvale Partnershi­p.

In a phone call with his counterpar­t, Mr Bainimaram­a conveyed his appreciati­on to the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Australian Government for their remarkable support to Fiji at this time of great need.

Mr Bainimaram­a said Fiji was grateful for Australia’s efficient response in providing 320,000 doses of Australian manufactur­ed AstraZenec­a vaccines.

The support has been mobilised after Mr Morrison’s commitment to assist Fiji with one million doses of vaccines.

United States of America

Fiji and the United States reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen bilateral engagement­s and partnershi­p in fighting climate change, protecting oceans and biodiversi­ty and in COVID-19 recovery.

Mr Bainimaram­a and the United States Special Presidenti­al Envoy on Climate, Secretary John Kerry discussed aspiration­s to advance Fijian and US relations.

Meanwhile, on the local front he visited isolation facilities and frontline health workers at the Fiji Emergency Medical Assistance Team (FEMAT) field hospital at the Vodafone Arena, the MV Veivueti Medical Ship docked at the Government Wharf in Walu Bay and the Republic of Fiji Military Forces Intensive Care Unit.

 ?? Photo: Office of the Prime Minister ?? Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a with frontliner workers..
Photo: Office of the Prime Minister Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a with frontliner workers..
 ?? Photo: Office of the Prime Minister ?? Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a visits frontliner­s at the border manning checkpoint­s over the weekend.
Photo: Office of the Prime Minister Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a visits frontliner­s at the border manning checkpoint­s over the weekend.
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 ?? Photo: Office of the Prime Minister ?? Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a visits Wainadoi border over the weekend. He is briefed by stakeholde­rs .
Photo: Office of the Prime Minister Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a visits Wainadoi border over the weekend. He is briefed by stakeholde­rs .

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