Fiji Sun

Cama’s act of bravery is deserving of a medal

He was calm, cool and collected and did the daring thing, something not many would have done were they in his shoes

- RANOBA BAOA Feedback:

Peniasi Cama deserves a medal. The 28-year-old of Padam Lala Place in Namadi is the epitome of a selfless, brave and honourable individual.

On Tuesday, as a mother was struggling to get her three-month old and five-year-old to safety as fire from a nearby house was spreading to theirs, Mr Cama jumped to the rescue.

His arrival in the nick of time enabled him to save some of his neighbour’s belongings and them too.

Can you imagine the panic that must have overcome Mr Cama? Not to mention for the mother?

But Mr Cama took it all in stride.

He carried out one of the cardinal rules a rescue mission –do not panic.

Mr Cama was calm, cool and collected and did the daring thing, something not many would have done were they in his shoes.

For the next few minutes, which must have felt like nano seconds to him, he moved some belongings to safety before taking the five-year-old out of the house.

He ensured that the mother and her children were out of harm’s way.

Afterwards, he headed back to property where he drove the car out just as the National Fire Authority arrived.

Mr Cama’s neighbour, Rajnesh Prasad, said he was grateful for Mr Cama’s actions.

Mr Prasad himself was at the scene trying to put out the fire but to no avail until Mr Cama sprang into action.

“That person is a good man because he risked his life. I thank him for his act of bravery,” Mr Prasad said of Mr Cama.

Mr Cama teaches us a few lessons in fire safety and rescue.

If ever you in the same situation the National Fire Authority website teaches us how we can act when disaster strikes or how to avoid it.

Here a few tips from

■ Fire safety is everyone’s responsibi­lity. Act now! In case of a fire emergency call 910

■ Switch off all appliances before going to bed or leaving the house

■ Plan your easiest and safest route! Discuss and practise the escape route with your family

■ Keep flammable liquids away from heat sources, they catch fire easily

■ Use candles safely – Don’t leave them unattended.

 ?? Ronald Kumar ?? Peniasi Cama. Photo:
Ronald Kumar Peniasi Cama. Photo:

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