Fiji Sun

SODELPA candidate appeals to farmers in Wainibuku

- WATI TALEBULA-NUKU SUVA Edited by Jonathan Bryce Feedback: wAtI.tAlEBulA@fiJIsun.Com.FJ

Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) provisiona­l candidate Dildar Shah reminded farmers at Wainibuku in Nakasi that the party would provide a compassion­ate and benevolent leader.

Mr Shah, while campaignin­g on Wednesday, briefly discussed party policies.

“SODELPA will provide a responsibl­e, accountabl­e and transparen­t government for the good of all the people of Fiji. SODELPA will provide a leader who will lead our beloved nation without discrimina­tion on the grounds of race, religion or ethnicity,” Mr Shah said.

“Every citizen will have the full opportunit­y to realise their full potential. A SODELPA government will remove the burden of premium payment from the shoulders of farmers. A win-win situation for the landlord and the tenant.

“A farmer who produces sugar cane doesn’t do it for his consumptio­n. The country is run on export earnings from the farms. We therefore believe the lease premium is the duty of the Government. This will also reward the landlord who allows his land to be leased.”


He said that the potential in agricultur­e was huge.

“Ginger can be exported in various forms like fresh ginger, ginger powder, paste, juice etc. We will try to involve Fiji Sugar Corporatio­n (FSC) with marketing expertise and facilities that can be used for processing and exporting ginger products,” Mr Shah said.

“We believe Fiji has the potential to be one of the richest countries in the world. We also believe our farmers should be amongst the richest farmers in the world. Ginger export, if done properly, should increase our GDP many times.

“A SODELPA government will provide necessary incentives and environmen­ts for export. We will ensure ginger farmers get a fair price export earnings. This will avoid exploitati­on of farmers.”

 ?? SODELPA provIsIonA­l CAnDIDAtE DIlDAr Shah ??

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