Fiji Sun

Reveal your manifesto: Prasad to FijiFirst


National Federation Party (NFP)leader Biman Prasad demanded that the FijiFirst reveal its party’s manifesto to the general public and the policies it had mapped out should the party win again.

Mr Prasad was responding to a question posed to him querying when the NFP’s manifesto would be released.

He deflected the question and asked the above.

“That’s a very difficult question, from media organisati­ons that parrot FijiFirst propaganda. Go and ask the general secretary of the FijiFirst party, go and ask when will he release his manifesto, when will he release his plans for what he’s going to do for the next four years to fix the problem,” he said.

“Ask him, why did he bring these draconian laws to restrict political parties from doing a manifesto in a transparen­t, open and with available informatio­n ask him, ask him also, if he can remember that he produced his manifesto two days before the blackout period in 2018 election.

“Ask him first then come and ask me that question.”

Plans for economy

He said the public wanted to see how FijiFirst planned to address the issues that plagued the health sector, sugar industry, education system, agricultur­e, and infrastruc­ture.

“I want to challenge Frank Baini

marama don’t worry about the opposition,” he said.

“We have been offering alternativ­e policies for the last four years in Parliament. What is your policy? What is your strategy to fix the sugar industry under his leadership, that industry is almost dead, he’s

not talking about that?”

“When he is in the west, he is attacking Sitiveni Rabuka and Biman Prasad, he is not talking about the sugar industry, he’s not talking about how the health services are not being delivered, he’s not talking about how to fix the high cost

of living that people are suffering.

“So, put out your manifesto tomorrow, let the people of this country see how you’re going to address all these issues that’s what I’m asking them to do.”

 ?? ?? The People’s Alliance leader, Sitiveni Rabuka, and National Federation Party leader, Biman Prasad, during a campaign in West.
The People’s Alliance leader, Sitiveni Rabuka, and National Federation Party leader, Biman Prasad, during a campaign in West.

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