Fiji Sun

New ideas prolong SODELPA negotiatio­ns with FijiFirst, The PA, NFP for coalition Government

- Nemani Delaibatik­i Feedback: nemani.delaibatik­i@fijisun.

It came as no surprise that SODELPA’s 43-member management board could not decide yesterday which coalition to join to form a new Government.

New ideas from party advisors and supporters have emerged on the issues that it should have on the table during talks with FijiFirst, The PA and the NFP.

From their position of power, SODELPA officials and members are learning that they can dictate what they want in a coalition Government.

Prime Minister

They have been told that they can elevate their demand from deputy Prime Minister to Prime Minister and key positions in Cabinet. This will be a difficult propositio­n for FijiFirst and The PA.

The PA leader, Sitiveni Rabuka, had said that he would be Prime Minister after the election. He was confident he would win the election. It’s highly unlikely that he nor FijiFirst leader Voreqe Bainimaram­a will accept that proposal.

Whether it has gone into SODELPA’s official brief for the negotiatio­ns is not known. SODELPA has not released details, keeping them close to its chest.

But those close to the talks say there is a list that they are discussing. Because new ideas have come in over the offers and counter offers discussion­s have taken longer than expected.

The SODELPA Management Board adjourned its meeting yesterday to tomorrow to discuss protracted issues.


A key element in the talks is the question of trust. How much does SODELPA trust Mr Rabuka and Mr Bainimaram­a.

On this count, Mr Rabuka does not fare well. While Mr Bainimaram­a is regarded as open book and SODELPA knows his position on sensitive issues, it could not say the same thing with Mr Rabuka, who is said to be unpredicta­ble.

His exit from the party to set up The PA still leaves a sour taste with SODELPA and features prominentl­y in all the considerat­ions before any decision is made.

It’s the big negative in SODELPA’s talks with PA,

But like many things in politics, it can produce strange bedfellows.

Cabinet positions

SODELPA has been promised Cabinet posts including the deputy PM post by some of the suitors.

Details are not clear. But SODELPA would like to go for the iTaukei Affairs ministry so that it could implement its policies on the economic empowermen­t of iTaukei.

It is understood that SODELPA is considerin­g a proposal from one of the parties that the Attorney-General’s position become independen­t and non-Cabinet.

Fresh election

If SODELPA cannot get what it wants, we could be heading for a fresh election.

While it will be another costly exercise, SODELPA may not be lucky the second time.

So getting into Government is its best option and we could expect a decision soon.

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 ?? Photo: Leon Lord ?? Lead of SODELPA’s negotiatio­ns team Anare Jale after the management board meeting at the Fijian Teachers Associatio­n hall in Suva on December 19, 2022.
Photo: Leon Lord Lead of SODELPA’s negotiatio­ns team Anare Jale after the management board meeting at the Fijian Teachers Associatio­n hall in Suva on December 19, 2022.

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