Fiji Sun

No one expected That SODELPA Will have last Laugh after election

- NEMANI DELAIBATIK­I Feedback: nemani.delaibatik­

It’s been surreal to sit back and review what has happened since Fijian voters went to the polls a week ago. It’s incredible to say the least that today the country is drifting with bated breath to see which parties will govern us for the next four years.

As a deeply religious nation, many petitioned God in prayer for divine interventi­on in the political process to grant what is best for all Fijians – with an end note like “but let thy will be done.”

It is a common ending with a lot of prayers, said with faith and trust in God.

Can we now say that the result, reflecting the voice of the people, is also the will of God? The answer should be yes if we follow the natural progressio­n.

But the public discussion­s on social media and other forums do not reflect that.

The vitriolic exchanges from supporters of opposing political camps detract from the original spirit of the prayers of faith. They undermine the opportunit­ies for understand­ing and tolerance.

SODELPA was not given much chance in this election after the meteoric rise of the rival The People’s Alliance since its inception.

Within a short time, The PA had shot to prominence riding on the back of a public backlash against the FijiFirst Government over the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Its rise came at the expense of SODELPA which lost a substantia­l number of supporters to the new party. MPs and supporters who subscribe to Sitiveni Rabuka’s brand of politics followed him to The PA. The poll results demonstrat­ed the damage to SODELPA caused by The PA.

Hopes were high in the The PA-National Federation Party coalition camp that they would wipe out SODELPA in the election. They almost did but what they did not see coming was that SODELPA would hold the trump cards to forming the next Government in a surprise turn of events.

When the reality finally sank in, the coalition partners have to eat humble pie and approach SODELPA in their bid to form the new Government. This new experience is being interprete­d in some political circles as a miracle – and God’s response to prayers offered before the election.

All we can do is accept the election outcome and go with the flow, knowing that God is in control. As the political horsetradi­ng continues in the coming days before SODELPA decides either to join FijiFirst or

The PA-NFP coalition let’s hope that good sense will prevail. Whatever decision SODELPA reaches, we hope, will be in the best national interest.

There’s no doubt from a position of little hope and being written off by many including The PA, SODELPA is now having the last laugh.

 ?? Photo: Leon Lord ?? SODELPA leader Viliame Gavoka at the Fiji Teachers Associatio­n hall in Suva on December 19, 2022.
Photo: Leon Lord SODELPA leader Viliame Gavoka at the Fiji Teachers Associatio­n hall in Suva on December 19, 2022.

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