Fiji Sun

‘My neighbour billed me for a fence he put up 17 years ago - I’ve only just moved in’

‘My neighbour billed me for a fence he put up 17 years ago - I’ve only just moved in’.

- Mirror

Many people find great comfort in being friendly with their neighbour. It’s nice to have someone to exchange smiles with, have a quick chat with, or someone to take in deliveries for you when you’re not at home.

But one woman’s dreams of growing a great relationsh­ip with her neighbour were crushed when he handed her a bill for a fence that was built 17 years ago.

Shannon Spencer had recently move into her home in Yanchep, Perth, Australia, and was given a 17-year-old receipt for $506 (£277) for a boundary that was built in 2005.

The woman told ABC Radio Perth that it wasn’t a “huge amount”, but “it’s just the fact that the fence has been there for 17 years and he’s held this receipt in his hand, this invoice in his hand, waiting for the perfect time to come and hand it over”. Shannon had initially thought it was a joke, but the neighbour said that “all the other neighbours had paid him for the fence,” and that she was the last one.

It turns out that due to Australia’s Divided Fences Act, the neighbour was legally allowed to ask for his neighbours to share the cost of the fence.

The reason the previous owner of the house didn’t have to pay was because the land was vacant.

Shannon is also disputing paying for the fence because of the condition it’s in, as she says it’s “rusted” and “not even the same height” as the surroundin­g fences.

The woman said: “While I know I need to, I’m required to pay, I’m just disputing the amount I should pay, given depreciati­on over the 17 years and the fact that the fence is rusted and yeah, not in good condition.” Local lawyer Johnson Kitto also spoke on the radio show, confirming that “the law is on his side as much as it pains me to say”. He said that due to the age of the fence, it’s possible that a court may support Shannon in paying a smaller amount, but questioned

whether it was worth a legal dispute. He added: “The best advice I can give her is to simply pay it. I wouldn’t try to negotiate with him. It’s a relatively small amount. Life is worth more than $500 and haggling over neighbourh­ood fences over that.”

Mr Kitto also said: “Imagine what the cost would be of constructi­ng it today.” -

 ?? ?? The woman is annoyed about having to pay the bill.
The woman is annoyed about having to pay the bill.
 ?? ?? The man had kept the 17-year-old receipts.
The man had kept the 17-year-old receipts.

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