Fiji Sun

Nata Heads SODELPA Team


The Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) management board has appointed Watisoni Nata to lead a team to investigat­e who defied a directive in the voting for the position of Speaker and the Prime Minister in Parliament.

This was during the management board’s meeting held at Epworth Hall on Friday.

There were 26 members present at the meeting out of the 42.

For a quorum the meeting needed 21 members present.

On December 24, 2022 Ratu Naiqama

Lalabalavu was nominated as the Speaker and Sitiveni Rabuka was nominated as the Prime Minister by the People’s Alliance (PA), National Federation Party (NFP) and SODELPA Coalition Government.

Ratu Naiqama received 28 votes while FijiFirst nominee Ratu Epeli Nailatikau got 27 votes.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka also received 28 votes and Voreqe Bainimaram­a got 27 votes.

PA had won 21 seats, NFP five seats and SODELPA three seats in Parliament for a coaltion total of 29 seats.Fiji First party won 26 seats.

It is understood that someone from the Coalition Government had voted for the Fiji First Party nominees Speaker and Prime Minister. Unfortunat­ely the votes were done in a secret ballot which is a voting method in which a voter’s identity is anonymous.

“Roko Apenito tasked with the

Nata said.

“We will work out the Terms of Reference (TOR) and we will start with the election of the speaker.

“Once we handover the result of our investigat­ion the board will decide as there are procedures in the constituti­on that must be followed.”

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 ?? Wati Talebula-nuku ?? Watisoni Nata (right) with SODELPA USA 4 Fiji president Adi Asenaca Caucau and Ana Naivou after the SODELPA management board meeting at Epworth Hall on April 14, 2023. Photo:
Wati Talebula-nuku Watisoni Nata (right) with SODELPA USA 4 Fiji president Adi Asenaca Caucau and Ana Naivou after the SODELPA management board meeting at Epworth Hall on April 14, 2023. Photo:

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