Fiji Sun

Ratu Sela wants Law that will stop GCC dissolveme­nt


Alaw should be passed to ensure that no Government has the power to dissolve the Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) in years to come.

This was part of a submission by the Liuliu-ni-Vanua Namaqumaqu­a, Serua, Ratu Sela Waiwaidilo at a public consultati­on on the review of the GCC.

The consultati­ona were held at

Ro Kuruduadua House in Navua on Tuesday.

Ratu Sela said this was to ensure that what happened 16 years ago to the GCC does not repeat itself.

He was referring to how the last Government had the power to dissolve the GCC without the consultati­on of the chiefs or the vanua.

Liuliu-ni-Yavusa Nasaunokon­oko of Naimasimas­i Village, Serua, Tomasi Natikovala in his submission highlighte­d that only chiefs should be part of the GCC. “Only chiefs are to be part of the GCC meeting and they have to be educated in order to perform their role to the vanua,” Mr Natikovala said.

“Chiefs must think of others and not themselves and therefore should address issues that affect every iTaukei.

“One of the major issues that iTaukei faces is the land issue. This is where Veitarogi Vanua comes in.

“There are people who are holding onto the land that does not belong to them. It is time that the land is returned to the rightful owner and should be recorded.” Native Lands Commission (NLC) is charged with the duty of ascertaini­ng what lands in each province of Fiji are the rightful and hereditary properties of native owners, whether of mataqali or in whatever manner or way or by whatever divisions or subdivisio­n of the people the same may be held.

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