Fiji Sun

Australia visa refusals

Savenaca Vakaliwali­wa, Tacirua


As a visa agent, it is sad and frustratin­g when you confidentl­y work on a ‘Visitor’s Visa’ applicatio­n and knowing in your heart it will be granted, but the case officer refuses it.

Many Fijian farmers who have yaqona and dalo farms in the interior of Fiji and in the outer islands have got their certificat­es from the Ministry of Agricultur­e, revealing the number of yagona plants that have been planted, how old they are and the estimated income when harvested. The same goes for the dalo planted.

Farmers have submitted certificat­es showing an estimated income of $50,000 to over $100,000 when their yagona and dalo are harvested.

It is sad that farmers with such certificat­es, who also have their own houses and properties, have had their visitor’s visa applicatio­n refused.

The standard reply used is that they do not have enough at home that would ensure their return, if granted a visa. Wake up, case officers! These farmers are enjoying life more than city folks!

The other point concerns mothers whose partners are in Australia on the PALM Scheme four-year visa.

It is sad that most of them are not granted a visa to visit their loved ones because they are fulltime mothers.

If leaders are not allowing families to visit for the next four years, then I humbly seek the milk of human kindness in the Australian Embassy case officers to allow the partners of PALM four-year workers the visa to visit.

Beggars can’t be choosers, but I am just pointing out the unfair decision made by the Australian case officers and hope they do the right thing!

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