Fiji Sun

Vunika Maha Kali Mandir


Known as one of the oldest temples in Labasa, the Vunika Maha Kali Mandir is a place that must be visited during the Girmit era because of its origin.

Pundit Shiva has been associated with the temple for 12 years.

He said listening to stories about this holy shrine from the oldest woman, a devotee aged 93, indicated that the estimated time the temple began was in 1890.

About seven years ago while cleaning nearby bushes, Pundit Shiva stumbled upon a Gagri (a clay pot used for water storage for religious ceremonies).

It has few cracks.

He said it was very heavy and it seemed that it was used in the temple on many occasions many, many years ago.

Pundit Shiva said the temple was his soul. After finding the pot, he asked around for its origin and history.

He asked the old devotees of the temple and its members about the rich history and origin of the temple.

The beginning of the temple

“The elders shared that when the indentured labourers arrived from India to work in Labasa, they settled in very bushy and jungle areas and sadly some of the Girmityas were not allowed to openly worship which were sacred to them,” Pundit Shiva said.

“In fear of the British torture, it is said a few families made a tiny altar and conducted their puja (ceremonial worship) in the dense forest.”

It is believed there was a higher caste Brahmin man who lived in a hut and had placed some small stones at his worship shrine.

He said after some time this man returned to India to perform his daughter’s wedding and never returned to Fiji.

“Sadly no one remembers anything else about him. Over time, the hut became rotten and his shrine was lost, only to be found some years later. Just like the famous Naag Mandir there is a huge rock here with a mysterious natural grain carving in it,” Pundit Shiva said.

“According to a legend; 60 years ago, a very sick young man, suffering many sicknesses for years couldn’t find a cure despite many efforts, but one prayer at this huge rock and he was cured.”

Stories about this spread around and people started to pilgrimage here, tracking through the dense forests and sugarcane fields.

He said as the number of devotees grew, support came from nearby dwellers namely Subamma and family and others.

Over time, a small shack temple was built and a portion of the forest cleared and graded to make a compound for the temple.

The temple is located about 20 minutes drive from Labasa Town near the Vou Supermarke­t.

“Together with the support of the management and devotees, we are slowly restoring this place of divinity and its rich history,” Pundit Shiva said.

 ?? Shratika Naidu ?? Pundit Shiva while holding the clay pot at the Vunika Maha Kali Mandir in Labasa on May 12, 2023. Photo:
Shratika Naidu Pundit Shiva while holding the clay pot at the Vunika Maha Kali Mandir in Labasa on May 12, 2023. Photo:

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