Fiji Sun

Mother of two finds happiness in her children


Amother not only looks after a family and raises children. She is capable of doing wonders by fulfilling her dreams.

Helen Singh is a mother of two toddlers. She recently graduated from the University of the South Pacific with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Sociology and Psychology.

The 24-year-old is in a happy relationsh­ip with her spouse, Nathan Singh since November 2019. She moved in with his family a year after they became a couple.

Mrs Singh recently gave birth to her second child who is now three weeks old. Her eldest son is one year, 11 months old.

“As a full-time mother, I tend to spend most of my time with my children, my special memories of them as they grow, from an infant to a toddler, the way my eldest started sitting up, crawling, standing, walking, talking,” she said.

“My first born enjoys learning new things, he loves singing his ABC’s, nursery rhymes and I absolutely adore him. A memory of him I hold dearly to my heart is the day I was in the middle of a breakdown and he came and gave me a hug and kissed me.

“I was taken by surprise but children are blessings and my son amazes me. I cherish all these moments dearly, because I know they only occur once. Time flies and our children outgrow us, so I make every second with them count.”

She said she absolutely loved being a mother as it changed her positively and challenged her to become a better version of herself. “I became a mom the day I conceived my first born in 2020. In June 2021, I was due for delivery and at the same time, I was diagnosed with coronaviru­s. Various thoughts ran through my mind as I thought of my baby’s health, whether we were going to make it and the fear of delivery as a first time mum,” Mrs Singh said.

“However, God works in miraculous ways and on June 26, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy (where he wasn’t diagnosed with coronaviru­s) and I recovered well.”

Now that she had graduated, and recently gave birth to her second son, she said she was doing her very best to cater and be there for her children. “There have been good easy days and also challengin­g days, but my sons have motivated me to be my best self, to be a great mum and with them every journey and moment has been worth it,” she said.

She said she lost her mother at the age of three and while growing up, she longed for her mother’s affection that she did not receive. “Now that I am a mother myself, I can say that motherhood is an indescriba­ble feeling,” she said.

“Being a mother is to be selfless, to be able to offer unconditio­nal love, to provide physical and emotional support for your family, to

sacrifice your wants and needs for the needs and wants of your children, to experience life with as they develop over the years, to be terrified that you cannot prevent or control the pain, heartbreak­s and injustice that life may offer.”

She also said there had been enormous change in priorities, where her life was centered around her children.

“My days do not go according to plan, and as a mother, I am unable to set boundaries because children do not understand boundaries,” Mrs Singh said.

“So, I cater to my children’s needs and wants

first before everything else. Responsibi­lities can be overwhelmi­ng. There are days when I have low self-esteem and feel I am not doing good enough.

“Postpartum is a challenge every mother faces. Recovering from it and looking after your babies 24/7 can be difficult and exhausting especially when a mother thinks she has to do everything herself without needing anyone else.”

She said she overcame her challenges by spending time with her children and seeing the joy in their faces.

“All the challenges I face have made me grow

 ?? ?? Helen Singh (left) with her son, Azrael Singh, Ovaan Singh and Nathan Singh (spouse)..
Helen Singh (left) with her son, Azrael Singh, Ovaan Singh and Nathan Singh (spouse)..

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