Fiji Sun

Rt Epenisa: Unity and Inclusivit­y for All Fijians

- Feedback: lusiana.tuimaisala@fijisun.

Ratu Epenisa eagerly anticipate­d engaging in meaningful discussion­s that would shape the future of the country. He said this GCC meeting should address crucial issues and promote unity among the chiefs, the people, and other ethnic groups.

The Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) meeting should prioritise the interests of all Fijians, not just the iTaukei community.

Turaga Bale na Vunivalu na Tui Kaba, Ratu Epenisa Cakobau again emphasised that the GCC meeting should address crucial issues, promote unity among chiefs, the people, and other ethnic groups. He made the plea from his chiefly residence, Mateiwelag­i, yesterday. Acknowledg­ing that it was a modern GCC meeting after a 16-year hiatus, Ratu Epenisa was grateful to the chiefs from the 13 provinces. The assembly, known as the ‘BoseLevu Vakaturaga,’ serves as a platform for dialogue and decision-making on matters that affect indigenous


As the host, he called upon all chiefs to make the meeting productive and memorable, highlighti­ng the emotional reconnecti­on after 16 years.

He anticipate­d engaging in meaningful discussion­s that would shape the future of the country.

He stressed the need for meaningful discussion­s aimed at improving the lives of Fijians and preserving their cultural heritage.

Ratu Epenisa said it was important to strike a balance between honoring the past and embracing progress to create a prosperous future for all citizens.

“The Great Council of Chiefs is more than just a gathering of individual­s; it is a symbol of our unity and resilience as a people,” he said.

“We must continue to strengthen our bonds, support each other, and work towards a Fiji that upholds our culture, protects our lands, and provides opportunit­ies for every Fijian to thrive.”

Ratu Epenisa said the decisions made during this gathering would shape the nation’s path.

 ?? Photo: Leon Lord ?? Na Turaga Bale na Vunivalu, na Tui Kaba, Ratu Epenisa Cakobau at his residence in Bau on May 23, 2023.
Photo: Leon Lord Na Turaga Bale na Vunivalu, na Tui Kaba, Ratu Epenisa Cakobau at his residence in Bau on May 23, 2023.
 ?? Photo: Leon Lord. ?? Tui Vuda Ratu Eparama Tavaiqia arrives on Bau Island with his delegation on May 23, 2023.
Photo: Leon Lord. Tui Vuda Ratu Eparama Tavaiqia arrives on Bau Island with his delegation on May 23, 2023.
 ?? Photo: Leon Lord ?? Women catering at the GCC Meeting on Bau Island on May 23, 2023.
Photo: Leon Lord Women catering at the GCC Meeting on Bau Island on May 23, 2023.
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