Fiji Sun


MR RABUKA THANKS AUSTRALIA’S RECENT BUDGET SUPPORT OF AUD$10MILLION. ‘We are screening Rabi lawyers, educators and health profession­als who can come and work in Kiribati to assist the island nation’s developmen­t priorities’

- By Ashna Kumar Feedback:

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka held productive discussion­s with Australia’s Minister for Internatio­nal Developmen­t and the Pacific, and Defence Industry, Pat Conroy on Monday.

He acknowledg­ed Australia’s support to Fiji, notably through the recent budget support of AUD$10 million (FJD$14,768,539) for the Fiji Cyclone Recovery Programme to rebuild schools in the Northern Division.

The meeting took place along the margins of the 3rd FIPIC Summit in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Discussion­s at the meeting covered areas of economic developmen­t, la

bour mobility, sports diplomacy, health and education, defence and security, climate resilience.

Mr Rabuka also thanked Australia for its ongoing support on regional solidarity and efforts towards the implementa­tion of the 2050 strategy for the Pacific.

In response, Mr Conroy thanked Mr Rabuka for the opportunit­y to meet and discuss areas of collaborat­ion between the two countries.

As traditiona­l partners, he said Fiji and Australia had potential to build a resilient and sustainabl­e future for the well-being of their people and that of the Pacific family.

Working closely with Kiribati

Mr Rabuka said Fiji remained committed to working with Kiribati.

While meeting the President of Kiribati, Taneti Maamau, on the margins of the 3rd FIPIC Summit, Mr Rabuka thanked him for the opportunit­y to meet and discuss areas of further collaborat­ion.

Speaking on the re-establishm­ent of the Rabi Island Council, Mr Rabuka told Mr Maamau that the administra­tion was fully operationa­l with an interim administra­tor overseeing the operations of the council.

Discussion­s also focused on the land belonging to the government of Kiribati namely, Natoavatu Estate, in Vanua Levu.

Mr Rabuka told Mr Maamau that “we are also screening Rabi lawyers, educators and health profession­als who can come and work in Kiribati to assist the island nation’s developmen­t


On regional issues, Mr Rabuka reiterated the Pacific leaders’ vision for a peaceful, secure and prosperous Pacific region.

He emphasised the need for the Pacific forum family to collective­ly work together to address the challenges ahead, in line with the 2050 Strategy.

Mr Maamau, in his response, acknowledg­ed Mr Rabuka’s leadership, being one of the most senior leaders in the Pacific.

He said Kiribati looked forward to working with Fiji to enhance bilateral relations.

 ?? ??
 ?? Photo: Fijian Government ?? Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka with Australia’s Minister for Internatio­nal Developmen­t and the Pacific, and Defence Industry, Pat Conroy.
Photo: Fijian Government Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka with Australia’s Minister for Internatio­nal Developmen­t and the Pacific, and Defence Industry, Pat Conroy.
 ?? Photo: Fijian Government ?? Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka (left), with the
President of Kiribati, Taneti Maamau.
Photo: Fijian Government Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka (left), with the President of Kiribati, Taneti Maamau.

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