Fiji Sun

$22m In Untap Beehives



Fiji has an untapped potential of 50,000 hives that when establishe­d would produce around 1500 tonnes of honey, generating $22 million in revenue. Minister for Agricultur­e Vatimi Rayalu made the comment at the 1st Pacific Islands Bee Congress at Tanoa Internatio­nal Hotel in Nadi yesterday. This was the second day of the congress one-week workshop.

Mr Rayalu said: “At the moment

Fiji has 1200 beekeepers and over 13,500 beehives that are producing more than 250 tonnes of honey annually.

“We are targeting to develop an export pathway for honey and honey collection centres that would be involved in processing and packaging of honey for export.”

He said Fiji has the perfect climatic conditions for apiculture (beekeeping) to thrive.

“Surveys carried out by the Government and its partners have found that there is a strong domestic demand for honey with potential as well as for its export together with beeswax,” he said.

Mr Rayalu said the formation of various organisati­ons within the beekeeping industry had allowed rural communitie­s to be involved, through the assistance provided by the Government and donors.

Since 2017, Government has assisted 500 farmers with beekeeping materials such as hive pots, honey harvesting equipment, honey filling tanks, nucleus colonies, frames, solar wax melted, wax foundation­s in frame wires valued over $530,000. Currently, there are 30 women groups in 106 individual women who own hives producing between 17 to 21 tonnes of honey, annually ranging between $255,000 to $315,000, the minister said.

“It is noted that the programme empowering women through beekeeping is a major focus of the initiative,” Mr Rayalu said.

The programme aims to provide the productivi­ty and profitabil­ity of beekeepers and create opportunit­ies for the participat­ion of women and families through the following objectives:

■provisio■ of improved genetics to farmers 200 queen bees and Hunter nucleus

■provisio■ of training on postharves­t handling and equipment for value addition and marketing

■provisio■ of informatio­n on effective treatment methods for pest (varroa mite) control and improve nutrition.

 ?? Photo: Waisea Nasokia. ?? Beekeepers at the Pacific Island Bee Congress at Tanoa Internatio­nal Hotel in Nadi on May 23,2023.
Photo: Waisea Nasokia. Beekeepers at the Pacific Island Bee Congress at Tanoa Internatio­nal Hotel in Nadi on May 23,2023.

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