Fiji Sun

Alleged Assault Kills Mother of 4


Amother of four children, who was allegedly assaulted by three members of her family last month passed away at the Labasa Hospital yesterday morning.

Anaseini Vereivalu, 39, is from Naduri Village. She lived in Malau, Labasa after getting married. Police spokespers­on Ana Naisoro said on April 24, the victim was allegedly assaulted by her brother -in-law and his wife after she tried to stop a fight which started while they were drinking in their home in Malau, Labasa.

“It is reported that her husband pulled her from the other two and threw her in a nearby drain where he continued to assault her,” Ms Naisoro said.

“She was rushed to the Labasa Hospital and admitted in critical condition.”

The matter was reported to Police on April 26 by the victim’s brother.” She said Labasa Police received the notificati­on of her death yesterday morning, whereby the case has been classified as an alleged murder.

Twin sister recalls sad incidents

Anisi Dalitabua, the twin sister of the deceased said Anaseini was admitted in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for one month and never had eaten and neither spoke to anyone.

“This was the eighth time she was assaulted by her husband but little did we know that she would leave without informing us,” Ms Dalitabua said.

“Few years ago she was admitted at Colonial Memorial War Hospital in Suva due to serious injuries on her jaws and neck after being assaulted by the husband.”

She said her sister never reported to Police against the husband’s alleged assaults because she was thinking about her children’s future.

“The serious injuries and cuts on her head due to several punches and slaps inside the house and then inside the drain must have led to her death,” Ms Dalitabua said.

“We are now more concerned about the children aged 19, 17, 14 and 12 as they are without a mother and staying with a father who will soon face court.”

She said the post mortem examinatio­n was done yesterday and the funeral would be held Village this Saturday.

Feedback: in Naduri

 ?? Photo: Shratika Naidu ?? Anisi Dalitabua with her husband Lekimi Rakari showing Anaseini Vereivalu’s photo at Wailevu, Labasa on May 23, 2023.
Photo: Shratika Naidu Anisi Dalitabua with her husband Lekimi Rakari showing Anaseini Vereivalu’s photo at Wailevu, Labasa on May 23, 2023.
 ?? ?? The late Anaseini Vereivalu.
The late Anaseini Vereivalu.

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