Fiji Sun

Solomon Islands to Host Regional Directors of Women Learning Exchange

- -UN Women

Honiara, Solomon: The Government of Solomon Islands is hosting Directors of Women from 13 Pacific Islands Countries at a Regional Directors of Women Learning Exchange from 21 – 25 May 2023. Directors of Women from Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu, will converge in Honiara next week to engage in a dialogue and reflection on what works to deliver holistic, survivorce­ntered and multisecto­r response systems for survivors of genderbase­d violence in all scenarios, including emergencie­s, utilising the work of the Solomon Islands Government and its partnershi­ps with other government ministries and civil society organisati­ons who makeup SAFENET, as a case study. SAFENET is the Solomon Island’s national multisecto­r gender-based violence service delivery system. Both SAFENET, and the Regional Directors of Women Learning Exchange, is led by the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs. It supported by UN Women through the Pacific Partnershi­p to End Violence Against Women and Girls (Pacific Partnershi­p), funded primarily by the European Union, and the Government­s of Australia and New Zealand, and UN Women, and is led by the Pacific Community, UN Women and the Pacific Islands Forum.

“It is my Ministry’s immense honour and pleasure to welcome representa­tives of Pacific Islands Government­s to Solomon Islands and share how we as a country have been working together with multisecto­r partners to respond to violence against women and girls in a coordinate­d manner. The statistics of violence against women and girls in my country is reflective of the region, and there is much to share and learn from each other, on best practices of what is working in terms of essential services,” said

Honorable Freda Rangirei, Minister for Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs.

Dr Cedric Alependava, Permanent Secretary, Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs said learning exchanges are essential to showing the importance of ‘centering the safety of women’ in gender-based violence response work.

Centering the safety of women and girls in the Pacific

“The theme of this Regional Directors of Women Learning Exchange is ‘Centering the safety of women and girls in the Pacific’ and that is at the core of SAFENET’s work – it is survivor-centered – meaning the survivor of violence chooses the service she wants to access, and she is supported every step of the way, and easily connected to multiple services along her journey. We are looking forward to sharing with our fellow colleagues from across the region what this looks like in practice – both at the national level, and at the provincial level.

As one of the founding members of SAFENET, as well as a former coordinato­r, and a trained nurse

who had worked for years in the frontline, Nashly Vozoto, is keen to share his experience­s with regional government­s.

“SAFENET has come a long way since it first started its efforts to set up a system for survivors to access coordinate­d multisecto­r genderbase­d violence services. SAFENET is expanding, which is good, but expansions come with their own challenges. As a large percentage of the population live in rural areas, we are trying to ensure that the same services which urban women in Honiara are accessing,

women in remote parts of the country can also access. The model needs to adapt to the provinces in which women are in,” said Vozoto, who is the National Gender-Based Violence Programme Officer with the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, and Chairperso­n – CARECOM

In addition to sharing SAFENET’s journey, the regional cross-learning event will also showcase progress undertaken on enhancing national standards in key areas such as counsellin­g.

 ?? ?? Participan­ts at the Regional Directors of Women Learning Exchange in Honiara, Solomon.
Participan­ts at the Regional Directors of Women Learning Exchange in Honiara, Solomon.

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