Fiji Sun

Hill Eyes World Title


Olympian Winston Hill intends to bring a world title home soon as he prepares for a boxing bout against New Zealand’s top middleweig­ht boxer Dylan Archer on August 15 in Auckland. Speaking to SUNsports, Hill said talks are underway to train in New Zealand.

“I hope to take a few other boxers with me so that we can show the world and Fiji that we aren’t just fighters that go overseas to build up other fighters but rather build up our local boxers to a calibre of the 90s when Fiji was a revered country in boxing,” Hill said.

Hill is challengin­g super welterweig­ht (69 kilogramme­s) title holder Jese Ravudi. Afterwards he will then head overseas for internatio­nal boxing matches to build his boxing profile.

Ravudi had won the title in 2019 after knocking out Rakuro Daunivavan­a in the seventh round in Nadi. Sevens star Jerry Tuwai as director of the Tuwai Investment Pte Limited is promoting the boxing series of which the first will be held in Suva next month, the second in Sigatoka in August and the third in Nadi. “I will be fighting Dylan (Archer) in the 69.70kg super welterweig­ht division as it is my comfortabl­e fighting weight. We’re going to take things one step at a time because we’re going to be patient about it and we leave it all in God’s hands,” he said. For now, Winston Hill is focused on the first FMF Fiji Boxing Bout against Ravudi on June 10 at the FMF Gymnasium in Suva.

“I’m preparing for the best version of Jese leaving no stones unturned during my training camp as I’ve been training five hours a day. I’m trying to get proper rest in as well as recovery, maintainin­g my nutrition/weight and staying hydrated throughout,”


Hill has been following a periodised training regimen for four different phases within eight weeks preparing for the

FMF series.

“I’ve got strength sessions three times a week on Monday,

Wednesday and Friday. Three weeks out,

I’m in the power and speed phase where I’m working with compound and plyometric exercises such as deadlifts combined with knee dips,” he said.

“My daughter’s birthday falls on the same week and I am dedicating it to her and other young women aspiring to take part in sports.”

The first of the series will feature other boxing bouts: Ratu Rakuro vs Ronald Naidu, Nathan Singh vs Masing Warawara, Junior Farzan Ali known as Razor vs Binnu Singh, Gabrieli Ravalawa vs Muhammad Ali,

Krishnil Mudllar vs Saimoni Ratu and Paulo Ratumaikor­o vs Cena Ruata.

Boxing promoter Alan Kumar said spectators and fans can start purchasing tickets on Monday, May 29 from Sportsworl­d outlets at Nausori, Nakasi, Damodar and the Waimanu Road branch in Suva.

“The ticket prices are S100 for VIP and $30 for the grandstand,” Kumar said.

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