Fiji Sun

Province focuses funding on education

‘For so long, these two committees have been working separately. I’m thankful that the Ra Provincial Council has accepted Siga Vou to be part of the Ra Education Committee.’


Various chiefs and district representa­tives reached a general consensus to merge the Ra Education Committee and the Siga Vou Kei Ra to streamline education funding processes.

This was discussed during the Ra Provincial Council meeting at Nanukuloa in Ra on Thursday. Ra Provincial Council chairman Kiniviliam­e Salabogi said this would ease the process for youths who wanted to further their education, but could not secure funding.

“Previously there were two committees,” he said.

“There was the committee created by the province and the committee created by Siga Vou, but at the end of the day they are still going for the same pocket, so that’s why we want to join and collect money.

“There were positive responses from the chiefs and district representa­tives. We all wanted to combine the two, so now the Siga Vou Kei Ra will be running the Education Committee which means we will have to add on a few people from the province to join that current committee. Most of the kai Ra, only go as far as university level and some cannot pay their fees. That’s why we need this sort of committee to address those needs.”

District Nalawa Council chairman Ratu Josaia Niudamu welcomed the decision to merge the two committees.

“For so long, these two committees have been working separately. I’m thankful that the Ra Provincial Council has accepted Siga Vou to be part of the Ra Education Committee,” he said.

“This is a good sign and a good start for the province. Right now we have funds available and with the merge of the Ra Education Committee and the Siga Vou kei Ra, this will go a long way in terms of giving the sons and daughters of Ra a chance to further their education.”

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