Fiji Sun

Motorists, passengers urged to adhere road safety measures

- Source: Authority Land

Motorists and pedestrian­s have been urged to adhere strictly to road safety measures and traffic laws.

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has issued a stern warning to drivers and student passengers during major school sporting events in Fiji.

This comes in response to growing concerns over the practice of student passengers waving flags from moving buses and vehicles, posing significan­t risks to the safety of all road users.

LTA acting chief executive officer, Irimaia Rokosawa emphasised that unruly behaviours and waving flags from buses and other vehicles were not only against the law but also endangered the lives of passengers, pedestrian­s and motorists alike.

“These inappropri­ate and dangerous passenger and driving behaviours will not be tolerated by the Authority,” Mr Rokosawa said. “If this behaviour continues, the Authority will not hesitate to halt chartered buses for schools whose students continue to engage in these dangerous and inconsider­ate passenger behaviours.

“We have identified several secondary schools that have been consistent­ly disregardi­ng road safety rules and engaging in risky behaviours during major sporting events.

“These behaviours include waving school flags from moving vehicles and buses, unruly conduct of student passengers, vandalism, and drivers playing loud music in buses.

Such actions pose serious risks to the safety of all road users and have the potential to cause accidents."

The LTA and the Fiji Police Force are monitoring these inappropri­ate and unruly passenger behaviours during these events to ensure the safety of drivers, passengers, and pedestrian­s.

The authoritie­s will take necessary actions to enforce road safety measures and maintain order on the roads.

The authoritie­s also stressed the importance of prioritisi­ng safety while travelling, especially during major events where roads are expected to be congested. As preparatio­ns for the zone athletics meet and Fiji Finals are underway, the LTA remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting road safety and ensuring the wellbeing of all road users.

Road safety tips for student passengers on a public bus:

Always remain seated while the bus is in motion.

Avoid standing or moving around unnecessar­ily, as sudden stops or turns can lead to accidents. Refrain from vandalisin­g public service vehicles, especially public buses.

Refrain from waving school flags from moving cars and buses.

Keep aisles clear to ensure that aisles and exits are kept clear at all times.

Avoid blocking pathways with bags or personal belongings to al

low for easy movement in case of emergencie­s.

Use seatbelts if available.

If the bus is equipped with seatbelts, ensure they are properly fastened throughout the journey. Listen to and follow instructio­ns given by the bus driver.

Avoid distractin­g the driver with loud conversati­ons or disruptive behaviour.

Be considerat­e of other passengers and keep noise levels to a minimum.

Refrain from playing loud music

or engaging in loud conversati­ons that may disturb others.

Avoid unnecessar­y distractio­n. Refrain from using electronic devices or engaging in activities that may distract you from paying attention to your surroundin­gs. Keep your belongings safely stored and avoid leaving valuables unattended.

This helps prevent theft and ensures a clutter-free environmen­t on the bus.

Treat fellow passengers, drivers, and bus staff with respect and


Avoid engaging in arguments or confrontat­ions that may escalate tensions.

Be prepared for emergencie­s Familiaris­e yourself with emergency exits and procedures on the bus. Stay calm and follow instructio­ns in case of an emergency situation.

If you notice any safety concerns or suspicious behavior, inform the bus driver or relevant authoritie­s immediatel­y.


 ?? ?? The Land Transport Authority has issued a stern warning to drivers and student passengers during major school sporting events in Fiji
The Land Transport Authority has issued a stern warning to drivers and student passengers during major school sporting events in Fiji

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