The Fiji Times

Climate workshops


I MUST share with you my irritation at the sight of climate change experts coming to this azur country to teach us what to do.

They come to hold fancy workshops, often in upper-end hotels, and they use words that our leaders will later parrot when they visit them back in the North — we are told that is where the problem of climate change is, either manufactur­ed or imported from “malevolent” southern countries trying to develop, like China, India, Thailand, etc.

What the world needs are fresh Fijian ideas and therefore local Fijian teachers (that is ordinary dudes living in the bush) to show the way forward.

I believe our climate champions can all step down. What we need is not another workshop, but rather a lazinesssh­op (that’s 3 s in a row).

During a lazinesssh­op, one would learn to take time to laugh with his friends instead of buying more rubbish; one could also learn poetry. Alternativ­ely, one could just have a little nap and dream about a beautiful bikini.

Of course, one could even do a little bit of a work-out to keep fit. How come it’s so difficult to understand?

Perhaps human ego comes into the way?


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