The Fiji Times



Moon of Intuitive Perception: We tell the world what our role is by embodying it. Claims matter little. Under this intuitive Pisces moon, people gather a sense of us outside of what we say. The way we carry ourselves, dress, interact -- and most importantl­y the way we treat ourselves -- these are the indicators that people factor in to decide what to do, or not do, with us.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19)

Theoretica­l knowledge could really let people down today so wherever possible, put the thing in action, give it legs, take it out of your mind and let it dance (or stumble around, as the case may be) on the stage of life.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18)

You’ll have an exchange with an adjacent person in a public setting. This is true even if no words are exchanged, as you’ll be picking up and deflecting all sorts of energies... and very effectivel­y so today.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20)

Your reasons for loving people don’t always stay the same. As the relationsh­ip moves along, reasons are added, subtracted and adjusted. Stay flexible and open to the natural movement of life.

ARIES (March 21 to April 19)

Good people are good to good people, but that’s not how you can tell. It’s when they are good to those who are not as good when the true character trait provides a model worth following.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)

Your persistenc­e and determinat­ion make this day interestin­g because you’ll get to see what happens beyond the point where most would have given up. There’s kookiness and magic on the other side of that boundary.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 21)

Inspiratio­n always has an element of the novel, maybe a twist, or an expectatio­n far exceeded. No one gets inspired by what they’ve already seen. You bring originalit­y and that element of newness to what you do today.

CANCER (June 22 to July 22)

Do whatever you can to get some kind of consensus happening in the group, even if it’s on the most basic tenant of reality. These days, agreement on a shared reality is, it turns out, a much harder achievemen­t than one might think.

LEO (July 23 to August 22)

Your imaginatio­n is going so strong it’s sure to get the best of you. For this reason, you need to be extra-vigilant about what you feed it. Try a diet of positivity, humor and happy ideas. That’s good stuff to chew on for a while.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22)

You’re very teachable these days, mostly because you want to learn, are highly receptive and just happen to be surrounded by some of the best and brightest minds.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 23)

You weren’t around when earlier generation­s of your family made their mistakes, and yet you’re still affected by those and are likewise still being influenced by their successes.

SCORPIO (October 24 to November 21)

You’ll be on the lookout for examples of love, compassion, decency... and they’re out there, really. Though you may have to start with a lower standard such as “people who don’t bicker on social media” and work up from there.

SAGITTARIU­S (November 22 to December 21)

Ideas inspire you but examples give you something to strive for. Examples, plus instructio­ns, followed by action is the magic sequence that will transform your life. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (OCTOBER 09). If you’re not sure where to look for that one treasure of your soul that you’ve yet to uncover, then don’t worry. That’s a lie. There are actually fields and fields of treasure, and anywhere you start digging you’re likely to find some. So excavate. Whether it’s emotional, physical, spiritual, profession­al or other, you’ll find gold. Leo and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 17, 8, 40, 33 and 32.

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