The Fiji Times

May God bless Fiji

A proud and happy occasion


AS a co-designer of our Fiji Flag, I look back to when our blue Fiji flag was first hoisted at Albert Park and the waiting crowd on October 10th, 49 years ago.

That was a proud and happy occasion. Rememberin­g 1970, I recall my feeling of astonishme­nt and pride when it was announced that Robbie Wilcock, a wellrespec­ted local artist, and I were to share the honour of having our design for the flag accepted. I knew Robbie, but I had no idea that he was submitting a design, let alone that we had made the same choices; the pale blue, the Union Flag to acknowledg­e past history, and the shield from Fiji's Coat of Arms. Of course, neither of us could take credit for the shield.

That was designed more than 50 years earlier by Lady Imthurn, the then governor's wife, and what a good design it is with our coconuts, bananas and sugar, the dove from Cakobau's flag, and a cocoa pod, which ought to be a rugby ball, in the hands of the lion, a symbol of pride.

Fast forward to the Olympic triumph of our sevens team and there is another proud and happy memory. I will never forget the mass of blue on that day of celebratio­n. A country's flag is a symbol of unity, and I feel now that our flag is achieving its purpose.

A day to celebrate one's country is also a time for unity, and should mean more than just flag-waving and having-a good-time.

It is therefore important for us all to reflect on our daily attitudes towards each other.

There is much to divide us, the economic gap between the 'haves' and the 'havenots' is one, the mis-use of social media is another, violence in our homes and communitie­s yet another, and even more.

Let us smarten up our behaviour. We have a target to set ourselves. Next year we will celebrate 50 years. Will we be more respectful of each other, sharing and caring, in peace and unity?

I wish everyone a happy Fiji Day of celebratio­n and pray that God will continue to bless our beloved Fiji. Source: TESSA MACKENZIE

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Ratu Sukuna Memorial School staff members in their Fiji Day bula wear as they celebrate Fiji Day.
Picture: SUPPLIED Ratu Sukuna Memorial School staff members in their Fiji Day bula wear as they celebrate Fiji Day.
 ?? Picture: FILE PHOTO ?? Tessa Mackenzie the co-designer of the Fiji flag.
Picture: FILE PHOTO Tessa Mackenzie the co-designer of the Fiji flag.

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