The Fiji Times

Registered agents encouraged to make a submission on the Act


THE Real Estate Agents Licensing Board (REALB) is seeking submission­s from registered real-estate agents on the proposed amendments to the current legislatio­n.

REALB is in the process of reviewing the Real Estate Agents Act 2006 and the agents are to make their submission­s to REALB before public consultati­ons commence in the near future.

REALB Chairman Dr Abdul Hassan said it was important for the agents to come forward and make their submission­s.

"There are some agents who are not happy with the current provisions in the Act. This is an opportunit­y for them to come forward and give their views and opinions," Dr Hassan said.

"Generally speaking, real-estate agents are in the forefront to deal with clients under this Act. Hence, we are expecting a fair contributi­on from them to revise this Act.

The Act was enacted ore than 13 years ago and in this period there has been considerab­le economic and social changes in the country.

Thus, it is vital to revise the Act and to accommodat­e this change.

These changes would facilitate the work of the board as well as the real estate agents.

Dr Hassan said the registered agents have ample time to make their submission­s which closes on October 14, 2019.

"We have already sent emails to all the registered agents and made phone calls to those agents who could not be reached through emails for their response," he said.

"I am confident the agents would take out time and make their submission­s through emails or deliver a copy of the submission to our office before the due date.

Having received all the submission­s, the board would consider them before any amendment in the Act is undertaken.

"The changes in the Act would follow the normal process before the amendments are completed."

The submission­s close at 4pm on Monday.

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