The Fiji Times

USP Graduate Attributes


For over fifty years, The University of the South Pacific (USP) has been leading the Pacific by making distinctiv­e contributi­ons in research, innovation, learning, teaching and community engagement. USP plays a dynamic role in the Pacific region and is underpinne­d by its unique cultural identities which are deeply rooted in our virtues: integrity, honesty, respect and accountabi­lity. Preservati­on of these cultures is at the heart of USP in what we do and how we do it. USP is student centered because the University believes that when the students graduate they must become agents of developmen­t. It is the University’s responsibi­lity to enrich the lives of students by providing opportunit­ies and to ensure that they are able to make an impact on their communitie­s. The University’s greatest strength is its people, who are dedicated, well qualified and are world class researcher­s devoted to providing the best education possible. USP’s academic programmes foster five attributes in all its graduates. These five attributes are: Academic Excellence; Intellectu­al Curiosity and Integrity; Capacity for leadership and working with others; Appreciati­on of the cultures of the Pacific Islands; and CrossCultu­ral Competenci­es. Graduates from USP are able to gain extensive knowledge and relevant skills in a particular discipline or profession­al area; have capacity for critical thinking and independen­t self-directed, life-long learning; gain advanced informatio­n and communicat­ion technology knowledge and skills; and develop research skills. The graduates develop deep respect for truth and intellectu­al integrity, and for the ethics of scholarshi­p. They tend to have intellectu­al curiosity and creativity, openness to new ideas; commitment to inter-disciplina­ry understand­ing and skills; and respect for the principles, values and ethics of a chosen profession. They build effective interperso­nal communicat­ions skills; leadership, organisati­onal, teamwork and time management abilities; and personal maturity and self-confidence. To add, the graduates are able to gain knowledge and appreciati­on of the unity and diversity of Pacific island cultures; understand­ing of the diverse economies and environmen­ts of the Pacific Islands; and commitment to the maintenanc­e and strengthen­ing of the societies of the Pacific. These graduates are able to understand and appreciate social, cultural, and linguistic diversity; respect for human rights and dignity in a global context; commitment to accountabi­lity, ethical practice and social responsibi­lity; and demonstrat­ed oral and written proficienc­y in the English language.

Graduates build effective interperso­nal communicat­ions skills; leadership, organisati­onal, teamwork and time management abilities; and personal maturity and self-confidence.

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